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-,' incoming call from minlemin ',-

as soon as felix picked up the phone, the first thing he heard was, "so i'm hot am i?"

felix snorted at the male's question and answered. "want me to be honest?"


"you're fucking roasting. you're boiling hot magma and i'm fucking melting when i look at you."

minho was silent for a moment as he stared at his ceiling, laid on his back on his bed, before he spoke again. "well damn."

"yeah, exactly that"

"okay well, i called because i have a question. feel free to say no because you know you're comfort means more to me than my need, okay?"

felix sat up on his bed and furrowed his brows. "okay?"

"do you wanna meet in person at some point? we've known each other for at least four months and go to the same school but have never met. of course i know it's because you're insecure and i'll never force things upon you that you don't want but just know that i'm really like excited and prepared to meet you."

the line fell silent and minho was concerned he'd gone too far. he checked his phone just to make sure they were still on call before putting the device back to his ear. "lix? did i make you uncomfortable? im so so sorry, i didn't mean to—"

"i want to meet too." a small voice cut across him. "but im scared."

"of what? you know you can tell me anything."

he heard felix sigh as the boy got up to pace his room instead. "because of insecurities. you're literally perfect in everyway and having you as my best friend is incredible but i also compare myself a lot to you and how ill never be like you no matter how similar we are in terms of what we like and enjoy. compared to you i'm nothing and if i meet you in person i'm scared you'll think the same thing."

"lix..." minho felt saddened hearing the younger's words and knowing that he thought of himself that way. "lixie, i promise you right now i would never think that way. ever. never ever would i ever think that you're nothing. you're everything to me, literally my best friend and i wouldn't change that for the world. thank you for telling me you feel like this but i swear on my life that you're just as amazing, if not more. there's nothing not to like about you and i dont know what you look like, no, but i don't care if others don't think you're pretty or not because its whats on the inside that counts and to me you're the most beautiful thing ever in my eyes. thats unchangeable. believe me, lix, you're incredible too."

silence again. except this time, it was interrupted by a small sniffle on felix's end. minho furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "lixie?"


the boy's voice wavered and minho's eyes widened and he sat up straight as he realised. "wait, are you crying? fuck, i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you cry—"

"n—no, no, it's okay. it's not a bad sort of crying." felix chuckled and sat down on his bed from his previous frozen standing stance. "i just... didn't know someone a—actually liked me that much. like, yeah, i have jisung and hyunjin and the others but i always feel like i'm too loud or obnoxious or im the most a—annoying of the group so knowing that someone actually likes me for who i am is really comforting. thank you, min."

"it's okay, lix. i want you to know that i like you as you are. don't change for anyone if they don't appreciate you now."

'shit, i can't deny it any longer, i definitely like him.' felix's cheeks grazed a light shade of red at that thought. he then came to a conclusion, speaking confidently.



"let's meet up."

ahahahaaaaa projected some true feelings from myself into this too apparently ndndnfnf

literally me with people i meet online 🤡

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