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"are you really sure, lix? you're sure you want to do this?"

"yes, chan, i'm sure. i've spent too long behind a screen and if he wants to meet, he deserves it." felix and his friends were gathered in the back area of his school's building which only allowed to year 12, and 13s. hyunjin and chan had granted them access to meet minho there since their usual area was surrounded by annoying children and none of them had the mental stability to deal with them sensibly.

"are you sure though? you still seem nervous to me." jeongin continued to question.

"well aren't you a smart kid! obviously i am!" felix exclaimed, jeongin rolling his eyes. even though he was the one who confirmed that they'll meet, felix was scared shitless that minho would change his mind last minute of what he thought about him and possibly wouldn't talk to him again.

"lix, it's okay to be nervous but remember that you've known him for months now. he knows you and you know him, you'll be okay." hyunjin reassured.

"that's what's so nerve wracking, along with the fact i like him but—"

"hang on, woah, woah, woah. you like him?" jisung interrupted, eyes wide. "like, you like-like him or as a friend?"

felix hadn't even registered what he'd said by the time he said it, eyes widening and hand covering his mouth. jisung whined and shook his gently. "answer me!"

"like, like-like. i like-like minho." he breathed out, gaze lowering to the floor in embarrassment of his carelessness.

"oh, we knew." hyunjin opened up a lollipop and placed it in his mouth, as felix turned to him with owl-like eyes. hyunjin just looked at him and shrugged. "it was obvious. jisung's just dumb."

"hey!" jisung yelled, catching the attention of some year 12s who were trying to study at a nearby picnic table. "sorry..."

"look, he has a lesson ending in about ten minutes and then he'll be here. you know he likes you for who you are and he's been desperate to meet you, so just calm down and it'll all be good." chan spoke slowly to felix, who had started to panic worse. the oldest knew that if he wasn't calmed down then it could lead to felix having a panic attack. his insecurities tended to get the best of him sooner than you'd expect. "you trust me, yeah?"

the younger nodded rapidly. a common factor when he was nervous was that he answered everything very quickly or repeatedly. another was that he started getting teary without even knowing and before be knew it he would start crying and trigger all his worries to come crashing down on him. that's what was happening currently.

"hey, hey, lixie, look at me okay?" the blond crouched in front of where the younger was sat on the bench and placed his hands on his knees, looking up at him. everyone else quickly grasped the situation and jisung wrapped his arms around felix for a side hug, jeongin who sat on the other side of him placed one hand on his forearm and the other on his back as he rubbed comforting circles and hyunjin up sat on the table to play with felix's hair. the ginger lifted his eyes from the ground to meet with chan's as tears threatened to spill his eyes, chan cooing in sympathy.

"it's going to be okay. us four are here for you, we won't leave your side. we know you're nervous to meet minho but you've also said that you're excited remember? i know for a fact that he's ecstatic to meet you too, there's no doubting it. unless you desperately want to wait for another day when you feel better? we won't force you if you really want to wait, i'm sure minho will understand too."

felix gulped. did he really want to wait for another day and ruin minho's hopes of meeting him? no, of course not. he could never imagine doing that to someone so kind. but at the same time, he couldn't let minho see him like this; in tears with red cheeks and uneven breathing, shaking and looking like a mess. it would be best to replan.

"guys, he's here. walking down the stairs right now." jeongin noticed the purple haired male leaving through one of the building exits with a big smile on his face as he kept his gaze on the grounds so he didn't trip off the stairs. it was probably because of what he was about to do. felix saw him and his eyes widened, one of his hands shakily reaching out for chan's, who quickly took it in one of his own.

"w--wanna go..." he muttered, breathing hitching as minho neared.

"you want to leave?" felix nodded rapidly again and the others instantly understood. they knew the younger's anxiety levels were too high to negotiate with at that point. and so, jeongin and jisung helped him up, still holding onto him to provide comfort, and they turned to enter the school building through the other entrance in the back area.

minho saw this, and watched as his two younger friends took his best friend back into the building before he could meet him. his smile slowly faded as he walked slower towards chan and hyunjin, who had immediately noticed the downfall in the male's happiness.

"hey guys..." he mumbled, eyes still trained to the ginger that was walking in the opposite direction. "wasn't that lix?"

"yeah. sorry, mate. we know you were really looking forwards to meeting him and he was too but he got really nervous and was seconds away from a panic attack. we had to let him make the choice of meeting you now or wait for another day and he chose another day." chan sympathetically explained as he watched the younger's disheartened expression. "it wasn't intentional, his insecurities just got the best of him—"

"no, no, its fine. its understandable. i told him we didn't need to meet until he was happy with it anyway so i can wait until then."minho spoke, nodding slowly. his gaze fell to the ground and he pushed hyunjin's arm that was wrapped around his shoulder's off gently. "i'm going to the library... need to revise for exams and all."

"we'll come with you! it's more fun to study with friends—"

"no, im fine, ill do it by my self. ill see you guys later." and he left, smile now nonexistent and head down as he walked. hyunjin and chan eyed him as he went, before looking at one another in sympathy for the two boys.

didnt mean to make this book very angsty but not that bad considering what ive written before ??

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