new bad habits?

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Red walks towards ed sheiren. "I talked to y/n, he said he wasnt feeling well and wanted to be alone for a bit." They said calmy. Ed panics. "Is he ok? What will i do without him? Aughhh he was my bad habit!!" He screams sadly. "Ed its ok. Y/n is fine, he just said he will need to be alone for a bit. And youre not alone, while hes resting you have me~" red purrs. "Oh... well then lets go terrorize some folk!" Ed exclaims. He grabs his gloves and umbrella, and walks out the door with red following. The smaller red crewmate resches out to hold ed shittys hand, and then once theyre holding hands ed flys off. 

Red has never seen human cities from above, theyre amazed at the view, they dont have stuff like this on their home planet. Speaking of which, where even is their home planet? What was it even like? Red cant remember, but it doesnt matter to them. They want to fill their mind with ed sheeran and overwrite all their other memories, leaving the remnants tinted ginger like eds messy locks. Inside of their fake space suit their tentacles squirm around excitedly.

Ed and red arrive at a large restaurant in the next city over. Everyone there looks rich. Ed grins. "Ready to wreck havoc, little bean?" Reds torso opens up and a big gaping smile curls across their stomach, tentacles poking out like a split tongue. "Absolutely."

Ed flys through a group of people walking to the front door. Red grins wider and their tentacles wave about. The people scream and ed and red fly into the building. Ed quietly flys behind someone then jumpscares them. Red stabs a light fixture with one of their tentacles. Ed flys all around, occasionally baring his pointed fangs to people, and red wraps their tentacles around random victims. Ed starts singing bad habits as he grabs someone and forces them to dance upside down with him on the ceiling. Everyone is screaming. Some people try to call the police, but a few more tentacles shoot out from reds torso, snatching their cell phones then throwing them outside. Ed sharen butes one person, steals the blood of some others and stores it in bags for later. 

Red walks up to ed shirne sexily in all the chaos. "Hey ed sheermo what if i wa s ur bad habit...👉👈" the ginger blushes angrily then runs off too the bathroom. Red follows him.

In a bathroom stall red and ed sheermo are battling it out trying to pin each other to the wall. Red started it ofc. Eventually ed wins, holding all of reds appendages against the stall wall, both of them breathing heavily. Ed leans in close and growls in reds ear "im not the one that gets pinned down. Im with y/n, so unless you want to be put through immense pain and turned into a vampire so i can torture you for eternity, cut it out." Red moans "mhh please ed my belobed..." in response. Ed shittyrens face flushes bright red with anger and he throws red to the ground. "ONLY MY Y/N CAN CALL ME THAT. BACK OFF YOU FREAK" he punches red in the gut before picking them up and throwing them in the nearest vent.

Ed shermo flis out of the restaurant in a hurry to get away from there and back to his beloved y/n, hoping that red hadnt done anything bad to him.

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