Chapter 3

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Chris POV

Simon looked at me like I was crazy! He stared for a moment before looking under his seats for his life jacket. Once we got our life jackets on we headed for the nearest exit, getting ready to jump.

I wasn't the best swimmer, not the best floater either, so I'm putting my whole life into the hands of this life jacket and tons of boys.

"Okay, on the count of three we jump!" I said to Simon. He shook his head vigorously, poor kid was too scared to do anything.

"Come on kid we have no choice alright! I will protect you don't worry! You will be fine!" The wind from the open door blowing in my face making it hard to see Simon but I didn't care, this kid was getting off the plane.

"Okay, one.....two.....THREE!" We jumped, still holding hands. As we got closer to the water, so did the plane. After minutes of falling and screaming, we landed in the water. I grabbed onto Simon again and started swimming far enough away so we don't get crushed by the incoming plane. Left and right I hear boys screaming, crying, yelling. One yell catches my attention. The fat boy that sat next to Ralph was yelling "I CANT SWIM!" I started swimming to him still grabbing Simon's arm, pulling him with me. The fat boy grabbed onto Simon and I started swimming away.

"DEPLOY THE RAFT!" A boy yelled not to far in the distance. I swam to the newly deployed raft and lifted the fat boy and Simon onto the raft with the help of boys already on the raft. They helped me climb in by lifting me by my arms and pulling me up. Simon ran back to me and hugged me, tears in his eyes. All the boys had tears in their eyes. I saw Ralph sitting with the fat boy so I took Simon to that side of the raft.

"Oh thank god your okay!" I said to Ralph. Simon let go so I could give Ralph a hug.

"You too! I was worried sick!" He was panting like a dog between his sentences. When we pulled away, I looked back to where I thought we landed and looked out. A few moments later, down came our plane. The waves quickly caught up to our raft and pushed us forward, almost helping the boys who were rowing. One of them being my brother roger. Thank god he made it. I might hate him but I will never let him die on me.


After rowing, and rowing, and waiting, and crying for help, we finally found land. Once our raft was pulled onto the beach, we all got off. Most eyes went to the island. Others started asking people if they were alright and started socializing. I decided to take of my military coat because it was 90 degrees and I wasn't thinking. My white tee shirt had become see through having been wet. All eyes were on me but I didn't realize why for sometime.

"What?" I say still clueless.

"Are you wearing a bra?!" A boy says, trying to make fun of me. He still thinks I'm a dude, now a dude with problems and weird quirks like wearing his sisters bra.

"Yes I am, I am a girl." Silence

"Surprise..." I say smiling, preparing for the questions, comments, and sexist jokes. But there were none. Boys looked at each other in confusion until one boy caught my eye, roger.

"Hey rog." I say looking at him. He looked at me with confusion then realizes.

"Holy fuck, Chris?!" He runs up to me and hugs me, quite unexpected not gonna lie.

"What the hell are you doing?! And your hair? And is this where my extra uniform went?! Do mom and dad know?!"

"I'm here to prove a point, I cut my hair yesterday, yes this is your extra uniform, and no mom and dad do not know." I answer all his questions at once.

The boy who called me out for wearing a bra walked up to roger. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He unbuttoned his uniform shirt revealing his chest. He stared at me with the same confusion as roger.

"Chris?" He said. I'm trying to remember this kids but I can't, just can't.

"Yeah?" I reply

"Chris you may not remember him but this is jack, we've been friends for a while." Roger said, the name jack did ring a bell but I don't know if we have ever talked before. While we were catching up, Ralph and the fat kid had waltzed their way over to us.

"Keep it a secret Ralph. I'm a guy Ralph." Ralph said I'm a mocking tone.

"Shut up dude, I'm just stupid." I say punching his shoulder and laughing.

"Ya you're stupid, what the hell were you thinking!?" Roger said.

"Like I said, I wanted to prove a point."

"Point?! What point?!"

"I wanted to prove that I'm not weak."

"By almost killing yourself?!"

"I didn't know our fucking plane would crash?!"

"NO, you would've died in military school! You are a girl! Even with your short hair and nickname, You. Are. A. Girl." He finished, making my blood boil.

"SO? I survived a plane crash AND saved two people!" I say, really getting in his face.

"You wouldn't have had to save anyone if you just stayed home!"

"GUYS!" Ralph shouted over us.

"Calm the hell down! She's here okay, yelling at her won't make her go away!" Ralph shouted at Roger. Roger walked away, silently. Jack looked at me for a moment,then followed after roger. He grabbed his shoulder, I assume to try and calm him down, but he smacked his hand always and continued on.


Word count: 973

They are finally on the island!

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