Chapter 4

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Chris POV

               After my spat with my brother, we all found a place to sleep under a tree. It was early the next morning when I was woken up by a tap on my shoulder.

"I found water." Simon said, hunched over me. He was standing in an awkward position because we weren't really sleeping in uniform. There were some boys laying left, some towards the ocean, some against the tree. Simon had to try and get to me without stepping on a hand or a foot.

                Everyone heard Simon say he found water and woke up, if they didn't wake up to Simon's discovery then they probably woke up cause I carelessly stepped on them. I ran with Simon and all the other boys to where he said he found the water, and we all started drinking from the pool.


                  After we all quenched our thirst, we started walking around the island. The group was lead by jack, roger, and a small dark skinned boy with curly black hair. Me and Ralph followed behind them, followed by Simon and the fat boy and the rest of the group.

"That's in Colonel." The dark skinned boy said to jack. Me and Ralph get up to the top of the hill, where the "three musketeers" stood, and saw that this was for sure an island. An island completely surrounded by water and nothing else. No sign of people anywhere.

                     When we got back, me, Ralph, and fat kid who's name I was told was piggy, all sat on the beach. Piggy got up and started pacing back and forth.

"So, what are we gonna do?" I ask Ralph. I turn my head to face him, squinting my eyes as the sun hits my face in just the right annoying spot.

"Don't know." Ralph replied with a sigh. We sat in silence for a bit. We were both sitting in the sand with our legs folded to our chests, wrapping our arms around them.

"I know this may not sound right but, I'm glad you decided to join military school." Ralph said. I let out a small laugh.

"Me too." I say smiling.

"I mean, it would be boring without you. Who do you want me to talk to, the twins?" He laughs, so do I. I take the chance to look at him. His smile made mine even bigger. I don't know what it is about him but, I feel different around Ralph. I feel warm. Not like hot, I'm physically at my melting point but that's cause of the sun. I mean warm as in happy and safe.

"What?" Ralph says slightly laughing. He still had that adorable smile on his face.

"Nothing." I say smiling, still not taking my eyes off him. We stared at each other for a moment till the silence was broken by a sound of splashing.

"I found a conch!" Piggy says coming out of the water, splashing as he walked.

"A what?" Ralph asked.

"A conch. Look if you blow in this hole it will make the sound a trumpet makes. My granny had one!" Ralph took hold of the shell. He looked at the hole and inspected the shell, probably to make sure a crab hasn't made the shell it's home. Ralph brings the shell to his lips and blows into the hole. Piggy and Ralph look at each other in amazement. Giggling with excitement, Ralph hands me the conch. I put my lips to it and blow. We continue blowing the shell for a while and realize that we had called all the boys on the island, and now they were all staring at us. Some of the young boys were holding fruit, some were shoving it into their mouths.

"Okay, listen up. Whoever holds the conch gets to speak. That's the rule." Ralph says.

"There doesn't seem to be anybody here except us."

"And a pig." A boy shouts.

"It was a wild boar!"

"No it was just a regular pig! Big but regular!"

"Either way, if there's pigs on this island it means they got here by people. Where there's pigs there's people." Piggy shouted.

"Can I have the conch?" Jack asked Ralph. Ralph nodded and jacked walked up to stand on the other side of Ralph.

"I think we should have a group of hunters that can try and hunt pigs for meat." The boys either nodded or said ya or jack is right.

"Ya that's true, but our main concern right now should be fire and shelter." Ralph said.

"Hey Ralph, are you the leader?" One of they boys asked "Well, jacks the oldest."

"But Ralph's the colonel." On other boy said. The boys voices varied in I vote Ralph or Ralph should lead us.

"Well I guess you won the election." Jack said with a smile. I looked over at Ralph and saw the same amazing smile that I know and love.

"It doesn't matter who the leader is, right now we should set up camp." Ralph said, obviously try to mask his excitement. The boys spread out and started building huts and collecting wood. Ralph turned to me with another big smile.

"You're looking at the chief of the island." I laughed and he tried to stay calm and push down his excitement but it didn't really work. He grabbed the sides of my stomach and started tickling me.

                    I was scared that being stuck on an island filled with boys, one being my brother, would be a pain in my ass. But I feel accepted. Me and Ralph are already close, I'm one of the few people Simon talks to, and me and jack even joke around together a lot. The island isn't bad either. There's food, wood, animals, water, everything we need. Tomorrow we're building a fire signal. I love the boys and I'm not hating this island, none of us are, but we all do want to get home.


Word count: 996

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