Chapter 7

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Chris POV

                  The next day rolled in. Simon woke up early, I heard him. He said he had a dream about us getting rescued. I decided to rest today, I guess everyone else did too. No one was working. They were all in the water, swinging from trees, and playing games in the sand. I just ripped my pants into shorts and took off my shirt. I didn't care if the guys saw me shirtless, my bra covers a good amount of my chest. As I lay there in the sun I hear the little kids playing their game. Three boys were buried in the sand and the twins danced around them chanting SPIT! SPIT! The boys tried to spit so their saliva could slash in the ocean. As they reached their hands out to tackle the twins, I heard Ralph slightly giggle at them as he walked over to me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He replied, he seemed out of it.

"What's gotcha down?" He sat down next to me.

"It's nothing it's just, no one is doing their work. Everyone's goofing off and playing and not even trying to survive."

"Ralph come on! They're kids with no grownups to watch them, let them be kids." I grabbed his hand with mine and looked at him in his eyes.

"I guess. But jack isn't a child, roger isn't a child, why are they influencing these littluns like this."

"Cause they may be older, but they sure as hell ain't mature."

"Alright fuck it." He stood up and walked away. He walked towards the tree where they kept the conch and he blew it. The boys scrambled towards the tree. Jack, roger, and all his buds were soaked from swimming. The twins and their clan were covered in sand.

" the reason I'm calling this assembly is, too many people are screwing around when they should be working. I mean there's a bunch of things. Some people don't even know when to use the bathroom." I look around in disgust,who doesn't know when to shit. All these boys are young but old enough to know not to piss themselves. While I look around I see Jack role his eyes, i give him a look that says, "shut the fuck up and listen, this pertains to you dumbass." He got the memo and looked at Ralph.

"Ya there was this one kid the other day, took a shit in his pants and sat in it. I'm not naming names cause it's possible Mikey couldn't handle it." One of the boys said pointing at little Mikey. They all laughed at him and made fun of him. It was disgusting but the look on his face made me feel bad for little Mikey.

"EVERYBODY SHUT THEIR GODDAMN MOUTHS! RALPH'S SGOT THE CONCH!" Piggy shouted. We were all in shock, piggy not only raised his voice, but he swore!

"All I mean is we have to have a little more discipline. And more spear fishing, we've gotta have real food." Ralph continued

"We should be hunting pigs." A boy pointed out.

"That's all I gotta say." Ralph finished. "Anyone else want the conch?"

"Some jerk off stole my pocket knife!" Roger yelled, I thought the knife jack gave me that one day might've been Rogers but I didn't care. Mine now.

"Ya, things are disappearing all over the place! What are we gonna do to thieves when we catch em!?" All the boys started shouting ideas like "kick the shit out of em!" "Kick their ass!" "Shove their dick in the conch!" Now I'm just praying I DONT have Rogers knife, I might get shoved halfway up the conch.

"OKAY OKAY OKAY!" Ralph yelled quieting everyone down. "We can't have kids stealing and just running wild. We're gonna have stricter rules. And hand out demerits, I guess." Ralph said.

"Demerits? Demerits for grand larceny?" The boys laughed.

"Eat shit and die!" A boy yelled. Jack raised his arm in the air and lead all the boys in a cheer against Ralph, all the boys except piggy, Simon, and I. Peter walked up to Ralph calmly.

"Sir, are we ever going home?" He asked.

"Of course as soon as someone sees our signal."

"Jack says that we're never gonna get rescued."

"No you misunderstood him. That's not what he meant."

"That's exactly what I meant!" Jack butt in. "There's eight million island out here, why should they find this one?"

"Don't listen to him Peter, we will get rescued. Honest." Ralph assured him. The boys meandered off and went on with their work, not play. I walked up to Ralph, a very upset Ralph. I gave him a hug from behind and reassured him that I will always be there for him. He broke away, turned towards me, and gave me a real hug. I think he needed one ever since we got stuck on this island.


                  Me, Ralph, the twins, and a few other boys (sorry forgot the Indian kids name but he is one of my favs so I still included him <3) were spear fishing on the rocks in the shallow water. One of the boys stayed perched on a rock looking for fish. Ralph had his eye out but he was seated a little more comfortable. Me and the three boys leaned up against each other and the rocks. All of a sudden we heard rocks dropping into the water, scarring the fish. We looked up and saw jack and his crew throwing rocks at us. Ralph was yelling at them to stop but it wasn't doing much good, all the boys kinda stopped listening to him. I had to step in.

"Hey knuckle heads, fuck off!!" I yelled. They all threw one last rock and walked off.

"Do you know why they sent Jack to military school?" Sam said.

"Because he was in trouble." Eric finished.

"Who said?"

"Tony. Jack told him he took a car and drove it on the highway."

"He's a liar, he didn't steal a car."

" he didn't say he stole it, he just borrowed it. It was a neighbors. And the neighbor was away and he just like borrowed it and drove it on the highway."

"He probably borrowed his dad's bicycle and rode it around the block."

"Then how come he got arrested by the highway patrol? They caught him doing 80!" The twins finished in unison. As they finished, Ralph caught something on the end of his spear. A huge puffer fish. We all cringed in disgust.

"Can we eat it?" I said as a joke. They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"It was a joke, calm down." I said.


Word count: 1121

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