Chapter 5

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Chris POV

The next morning, we all gathered wood and started heading to the top of a nearby hill. Ralph was leading us all in what I'm assuming to be a military school song or something. It went something like this.

Ralph: mama mama can't you see

All: mama mama can't you see

Ralph: what the army's done to me?

All: what the army's done to me?

Ralph: they put me in a barbers chair

All: they put me in a barbers chair

Ralph: spun me round, I had no hair

All: spun me round, I had no hair

This line made me giggle. Ralph turned back to me smiling his beautiful smile while continuing singing

Ralph: I used to drive a Cadillac

All: I used to drive a Cadillac

Ralph: now I'm marching in a pack

All: now I'm marching in a pack

For some reason, Ralph was singing this song in some for of a country accent. It cracked me up but all the boys still sang in uniform.

Ralph: I used to drive a Chevrolet

All: I used to drive a Chevrolet

Ralph: now I'm marching for my pay

All: now I'm marching for my pay

This ridiculous singing went on till we got to the top of the hill. Ralph turned to me and I gave him a smile with a look. A look that said both seriously and what the fuck was that all mixed with sarcasm.

"What? Did ya not like it?" He said laughing.

"It was beautiful." I said smirking, walking past him, and hitting his shoulder.

                   We tried to light the fire but it wouldn't light. Jack had matches that wouldn't catch on fire because they were still soaked after being in a soggy box. Jack began to loose his patients.

"Damn......shit......mother fuc-"

"Swearing won't help." Piggy but in.

"Hey listen piggy, shut your fat ass!" Jack launched himself at piggy but was held back my Ralph.

"Cool it!" I looked up at piggy to make sure he was okay. He had a smirk that definitely played jack for a loop. He was pissed. Looking at piggy I realized something.

"Hey piggy let me see your glasses." I reached up to his face and grabbed his glasses.

"Just trust me." I pointed the glasses at a spot in the pile of wood, made sure the sin hit the small crack in the lens, and a small flame came to life.

"FIRE!" Jack yelled. All the boys shouted in joy and started running around the fire, mimicking Indian callings by hitting their mouths with their hands. While they where celebrating, we didn't realize the fire slowly started spreading. We all quickly stomped on the fire, threw our jackets at it, did all we could to put it out but we ended up burning a nearby tree.


                By the time we got the fire under control, we had a bonfire. I sat on a log between Ralph and the twins. Jack was telling a stupid scary story. I was bored and tired so I carelessly rested my head on Ralph's shoulder. I would pave fallen asleep if Jack hadn't screamed, causing another boy to scream like a little girl.

Jack POV

                Bunch of kids plus a fire means you have to tell a scary story. It's a must! I started telling a story about a man running in the forest from "the thing." All the boys were sitting in fear, waiting to hear what happens next. As I was telling the story I look across from me and stare at Chris. She had her head resting on Ralph's shoulder. I don't know what came over me but it caused me to stutter, and mess up the story. After I finally got my words in order I looked back at the two and saw Chris was almost asleep. Again, I don't know why, but I just got jealous and I felt like I had to break it up.

"And so the thing came closer, and closer. The branches grabbing him tighter. And AND... AHHHH!" I screamed, causing another boy to scream and Chris to bolt her head up. It worked. She rubbed her eyes and Ralph looked at her to see if she was okay.

               I don't know what it is about Chris but there's something. Something to her that makes her different. Maybe it's the fact that she cut her hair to go to military school to piss off her brother. Maybe it's because I feel like I can be myself around her and she will laugh instead of judge me like any other ladylike goody two shoes. If I have to fight for her, that is what I will do.


Word count: 790

Ok I have two endings for this book, should it be sad or happy idk.

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