Part 54

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After you have finished getting ready you go out for dinner, you put your phone and wallet in your purse and head to Bucky's room. You knock on his door, and wait for his response. He opens the door slightly to see who it is, once he see's it's you he grabs your arm and whisks you into his room shutting the door swiftly behind you.

"aha ok, what's that for?" you ask taking a seat on his bed. "I can't let anyone see you in the dress." he says putting on a white button up top, leaving it unbuttoned though. You look at him, raising on eye brow. He goes into the bathroom and cups some water in his hands before combing it through his hair using he fingers.

You watch him as he comes out of the bathroom to stand in front of his room mirror, buttoning up his top. "I don't think I've ever see you dress this fancy" you smile at him through the mirror reflection. "well I am going out to dinner with the second most beautiful person in the world," you look at him with shock as he smiles at himself, "the most beautiful person being me" he says before turning around to face you.

"How do I look?" he asks, watching your face for a reaction. "no tie?" you ask getting off his bed, he shakes his head at you, "I don't know how." You look at him stunned, "really? haven't you been alive for like 400 years and you don't know how to tie your own tie?" you laugh lightly at him. "106 but ok, I get it" he laughs at you as you walk over to his wardrobe. You laugh from inside his wardrobe "I can believe I am dating an old man." you can hear the disapproving sigh from Bucky, "Do you even own a tie? Oh wait I found one!" you grab a plain black tie and walk out to Bucky.

"do you even know how to tie a tie?" he asks as you string it behind his neck. "It can't be that hard" you manage to figure it our as Bucky looks down at you watching in lust as you tie the tie. "You're amazing" he whispers as you tighten the tie. You look up at him, "tell me something I don't know" you smile at him and give him a kiss before grabbing your purse and waiting for Bucky at the door of his room. 

Once he gets his stuff you go down to the drive way, Tony let you use one of his many cars. You get in the drivers side and Bucky looks at you through the passenger side window, "are you not going to let me drive?" he questions, you shake your head at him, "absolutely not." He sighs and gets in the car.

Whilst you are driving to the restaurant you put on your favorite songs.  You can see Bucky watching you through the corner of your eyes and you can't help but blush. Bucky moves his hand and puts it on your knee and you glare at him. "Don't you dare" you laugh.

{Who is your favorite artist/ band?}

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The joke is on us [Bucky Barnes x y/n pov] {bucky x reader} Bucky Barnes POVTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang