Chapter One : The Mysterious Urn

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I was sleeping peacefully when I saw a dream,  I dreamt about I went out with my friends going to an unknown cave,  as we entered inside. We saw a some urns are arranged in earthed made shelves, from different shapes,  designs,  colors and sizes.

Then I didn't have an attention when I saw a stainless made urn that it was written in deep..  A fucking deep english

    The Wind Priestess was on her peaceful slumber . Do not wake her up,  may danger comes upon you..

"Holy Shit!  I must take a photo about it" I said as I took my phone as I wanted to take a photo of it then..

"Fuck it Gopal!  What have you done?!"
I said as I put my phone on my pocket as we saw the urn fell down and some light tan ashes just scattering around. 

"Yep he's freaking right!" Annaliza said, I describe her that she's wearing in a modern punk clothing as her short black hair are colored with pink,  purple,  green and gold on her streaks while Annaliza was wearing a rectangular shaped female like specs as her thick short fringes are covering on her narrowed forehead. Annaliza was a skilled musician and a fighter.  She prefers to wear punk and hipster clothing than girly clothes.


"What happened?!" Ying said, that nerd who wears her favorite shirt and vest top and she wears a deep blue knee length 'trendy' skirt, she's wearing a pair of yellow - orange Penny loafers, and a low cut white socks. As she wears a twin braided hair and her thick fringes are dancing on the air. While she's carrying a small brown sling messenger bag. She went to Fang as they wanted to escape. 

We felt the earthquake as we ran outside of the cave.  Then.... 

"Oh Shoot!!" I woke up as I sat on the bed as I looked at the clock are standing beside of my bed.. "Damn it!  It's four ten in the morning, I should get a long shower.. And help Atok.. "

*Outside BoBoiBoy's house*

As I finished shower, then I wear my school uniform..  Because it's Monday, While carrying my school bag..  I drifted my own mind while walking as Ying ran towards me as she asked something.. 

"Are you okay my bro?" She asked me

"I wake up from a stupid dream" I said

"Just tell me... "

After I told my dream as Ying covers her mouth using her both hands.. 

"I had this same dream of yours!  A wind priestess in the urn?!  Really?! Maybe you were too much studying about Philippine History..  Nah!  Maybe it's a Deja Vu.. "

"Maybe..  Cikgu Athena,  oh I mean your mom who's interested to lecturing us about this..  I think my mind are just fuck up.. " I said while walking towards to the shop. 

"Good morning BoBoi, morning Ying" Yia said while she's sitting besides Yaya,  that she's sitting besides Annaliza and Gopal who are starting having a relationship.  As I saw Fang who's sitting all alone that he wanted to sat beside Ying. 

"Fuck!  I have a fucking dream that I saw last night, oh son of a - .. This morning!!" I said after I sat opposite beside to Yaya.. 

After I told them about this dream.  They told to me that they had the same dream.. 

"An urn of a wind priestess..  Really?! " Annaliza said while smoking a cigarette.  After she blew a little smoke on her mouth as she sip a hot chocolate drink. "I had the same dream like yours..  But her name was written backwards 'Malit'..."

"I think we're getting late!!'' Annaliza wanted to say it when Gopal cutting off our conversation about it.. 

"Atok... I think we're getting late.... Goodbye.."

After we both exchanging goodbyes as we both seven ran away with our school bags. 

                     Pulau Rintis High School 
                     Date : July 20th 2015
                    Time : Six Thirty Three

Whew!  I thought we're getting late..  As we entered our classroom as we seated in our respected seats. Ying was sitting next to Annaliza and Yaya, Gopal was sitting next to me and Gopal..  And Yia was sitting next to Kyla.. 

*At History Class*

"Well students,  today's lessons about ancient times in the Philippines.. " Cikgu Athena said.  Ying's mother, They both have Chinese features but Athena married a 32 year old Greek Malaysian man who was a billionaire,  luckily Ying was smart and our class scholar after Fang,  Kyla,  Yaya and Yia of course... 

Annaliza isn't our class scholar but she receives awards "Best in acting,  best in arts,  best in music and most outstanding student award."

"did you know 'Babaylan' means priestess..  That they're praying to the gods *blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah*"

"God dammit!  Maybe Malit...  Her name was -" I thought as I wanted to know that answer from my dream,  suddenly I fell on my chair after that I blacked out.. 

To Be Continued..

I dedicate this to :
Chibichibiichigo, boboiboy_mk, womanizerstyles, Thias360, Winda_12 and oreopostale...

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