Chapter Four : The Wind Priestess

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Yes!  Nanalo si Mayweather...  Kaso ngalang bakla sya xD joke..  Then I will continue this..

The wind tribe travelled to Mongolia that they hid from the wrath of the 'Dayos'.. Talim stayed brave and stronger after that incident.  During day and night she was trained by her parents and her grandmother, she was trained to be the a stronger and very creative wind shaman.  She became envy or jealous to the kids,  same age as hers are playing outside of their houses and doing chores.  While playing..  She was fifteen years old,  but Kima was 16, same as Babua.  Talim's childhood friend.  She treated Babua like her own brother even she's young and very matured. 

Before they would travelling to Mongolia,  She met Fernando,  a stranded Spanish boy who was the son of the general.  Fernando has a fair skin,  short brown hair, tall, pointy nose, gray eyes and he has some Spanish features.  She befriending him but his father was a general was furious like a stormy cloud as he wants his son to stop befriending an 'Indio' like her. 

Babau and Fernando are both wanted to gave some advances to her.  They are both evil and selfish..  Unlike Kima and Talim..  They are both selfless,  being loved by all, kind hearted and having a cheerful yet innocent personality. 

Kima was the son of a sultan in the jungles of Tondo.  His father wanted to having an arranged marriage to Talim. She didn't accepted it at first,  but she didn't know that she fell in love with Kima. 

The two of them are being forbidden to seeing each other while naked or changing clothes and sleeping each other in a one bed. 

Her family met Kima's parents,  they would described his family was a lucky family to have. Their families are both cheerful,  hospitable, helpful and loved by all. 

After she destroyed the demonic sword, she travelled with Kima while she's training him. Sooner..  They both fell in love secretly until they are both accepted. 

During his training,  He teasing her that she's small, strict like his own mother and flat- chested. After 2 years later,  she became taller Abit,  however her body went mature and her petite figure didn't changed.

During her training in Mongolia,  her new home. 
Her father told to her that she would rest in 9 minutes.  As she went to the grassy fields and she laid down while she's looking at the clear blue sky with soft white clouds. 

"Maybe we shall talk.. " a unknown voice said as she began to sat down and she saw Kima who was standing in front of her. 

"I think it's all about Fernando?  Or me? " He questioned her as he sat down beside her.

"It's all about...  Fernando,  the Wind told me that Fernando himself has an dark aura who was on his own life.  Meaning,  his soul was evil.  But unlike you.  You're so very kind and head strong even you're a great bully to me. " after she explained her problem,  Kima hugged her comfortably as he gave comfort to his future wife. 

"Kima,  will you gonna miss me?  If I was in the modern human world?  I want to live a life a teenager who was at school,  getting high grades,  graduated from high school until I went to college and gets a job after I finished college..  Then you will marry me.. " she said as a little tear went to her both cheeks she cried silently until she slept on Kima's arms. 

"If I went with you.  I will study in highschool,  get high grades,  graduated,  going to college until we both graduated, have a jobs and we're both getting married and have children.. "

Flashback ended...

Talim and BoBoiBoy met again as he went inside of the cave as she follows him back,  he saw the urns again. Standing still.  BoBoiBoy was standing and very afraid.  As Talim jumps out of her own hiding place as she attacked BoBoiBoy.  The two of them are sharing a fight with each other. Until they went tired. 

"My plan... And my goal is to find the urns where my parents, grandmama, Alun and Kima was inside of each designated urns.. So could you help me out? " Talim once asked him with a concerned tone. 

''We.. I mean you and me..  Will hella helping each other.. " he said.

Talim found two urns that she knows her parents' name are carved on the urn,  their names are written backwards. 

''Putsan and Dili.... Sanput and Lidi... That's the name of my parents.. " she said as she placed some urns in a wooden box with holes as handles. 

"Luna and Mika.. What's this means? " BoBoiBoy asked Talim. 

"Alun and Kima.. And I gonna find grandmama's urn. " she said as she held a wooden box with two bronze urns.

"Akalan.. Kalana? " BoBoiBoy became curious as he founded the urn of Talim's grandma. 

"You should put this urn inside of that box that I was carrying it.. Let's go before someone's attacking us. " She said as they ran outside of the cave.

The two of them escaped safe, as they went inside of a jungle that the ground was bald, She placed the five urns center of the white circle that she carved.  She put two symbols. A crescent moon and a sun. 

"Let's begin.." Talim whispered. 

"Oh wind..  I am begging you to break the urn freely.. So the sleeping victims will awake with my good intentions.. Blessed them with all of my faith,  hope and love. " she prayed to the wind as the wind blew her hair very mild until the wind blows harder as BoBoiBoy was hugging on the tree trunk. 

He saw her dance. She do the wind dance until the urns broke up and several ashes fell down separately as a white and green magic dusts appears until the ashes turns into a humans and a one animal. Alun,  a hawk flew around until he landed on her right shoulder. 

The humans opens their own eyes as the green eyes turns into brown.  One elder woman who's wearing her shaman traditional clothes as her long white hair was blown mildly by the wind, a young woman in long black hair she has the same facial features from Talim.

Kalana saw her granddaughter was safe and sound. She hugged her tightly. 

"Lola... Hindi po ako humihinga.. Nahihirapan na po ako huminga.. "

Her mother,  Lidi smiled at her daughter.  As she walked towards to Sanput who was alive.  The two of them are hugging each other. 

"Inday?" Talim heard a voice from a teenage boy as she looked at him. 

"Kima? " she went towards him after she breaks freely from her grandma's hug.  The young lovers hugged each other. 

BoBoiBoy wanted to break the reunion.  But it was interrupted by Rumplestilskin. 

"My, my,  my...  There's a family reunion.. "

"You again?! " She said as she readied her bladed tonfas,  her hawk companion,  Alun flew up at the sky as her grandmother and her parents followed him.

"Little Chocolate Brown eyes,  I've got a new nickname for you... After a young medieval Filipina girl.. " He said as he readied his sword. 

"Me, BoBoiBoy and Kima will fight against you..  Ama, Ina... Please follow Alun and you also my loving grandma..  " She said as the three of them are in a fighting positions. 

Alun flew as her family follows him,  they ran out of the jungle as they arrived at Storybrooke Convent.  Two nuns opened the door as they helped them. 

To Be Continued... 

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