yes dear

92 4 1

(Reader is female)

(Tony Stark x reader)

Tony dotes on her. She doesn't know why he buys her the most expensive cloths and jewelry, or the time when he bought out an entire theater because the movie she wanted to watch was playing. Or when she asked to get Netflix, oh he got it for her alright. He BOUGHT her Netflix.

She doesn't ask for it, most of the time she tells Tony to return it and use the money for charity or something like that.

There was this one time where Tony took her to one of the most expensive places in the world and she joking said that she wanted him to buy the place for her, now what she didn't expect was for him to say "yes dear" and call a waiter over. It took her almost two hours to convince Tony not to buy the place.

(158 Words, have a wonderful day/afternoon/night)

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