Chapter three

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Aaliyah POV
The girls and I had just pulled up to Night and it was packed. Luckily we found a good parking space. We immediately went up to the bouncer and gave him out names. I promised the owner I would write a review about the club and put it in the magazine if he put us on the list.

"I'm going to go get us drinks" I yelled over the music.

I walked to the bar and ordered three long Island ice teas. A random guy approached me and tried to buy our drinks.

"You are beautiful" he said.
"Thank you very much" I replied

I was wearing a black and white Balmain dress and black ankle strap heels. I paired it with a black clutch purse and my favorite Chanel cuff bracelet. Once I got our drinks I headed back up to our section. The girls were dancing and talking. Once I gave them their drinks we leaned over the railing and watched people dance and interact in the club. Roxy hit my arm and was pointing to someone coming in the door of the club.

"OMG look at that man by the door he is so sexy!" Said Roxy.

I looked up and was shocked to see the rude man from Starbucks. I looked at Roxy and waved my hand then rolled my eyes.

"He is such an ass he was at the Starbucks by our job on Monday and was completely rude to me" I said.
"He can be rude to me any day with a face like that. His friend isn't too bad either"said Roxy
"His friend looks really familiar. I think he plays for the Giants as a receiver, but enough about them lets go dance. I said

We all went down to the dance floor and danced to three straight songs. Then Body Party by Ciara started to play and I slowly danced to the beat. I felt a strong body come up behind me and wrap their hands around my waist. Whoever the man was behind was about to get lucky because the liquor was kicking in. I started to grind on him and I could tell he was enjoying it. When the song went off I turned around and was faced with the rude guy.

"We meet again I see" he said.
"Yes we do this time I hope you can be a little more civil" I said.
"Only if you can keep your attitude in check this time" he said
"Ya know what Mr..."
"Michael Carter" he said
"Well Mr.Carter maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry about that."
"It's fine but I didn't catch you name" Michael said.
"Oh it's Aaliyah"
"Well Aaliyah you are very beautiful and I think it's about time we get out of here"
"Excuse me...obviously you have mistaken me for the regular hoes you pick up but I'm not going anywhere with you" I said.
"Well it wasn't that hard to mistake you from the way you were dancing" he said.
"Fuck you" I said.

I was so shocked I had never been so disrespected in my life. I hated the man and all I knew was his name. I went back up by my friends still mad from the encounter.

"What's wrong?" Micha asked.
"Nothing just some asshole I got into it with" I said
"Do we need to go beat his ass" she asked. I laughed.
"No I'm good."

I picked up my drink and watch Michael interact with woman. Some of the woman were actually throwing themselves at him and you can tell he loved every minute of it. Once the club died down and the DJ announced last call. We all got our purses and got ready to go. I was getting into my car and noticed Micheal helping some inappropriately dressed woman in his car. He noticed me looking and winked then ran to the driver side. I scoffed at him and took off back towards Roxy's house. I hope I never had to see that asshole again.

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