Chapter Thirteen

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Aaliyah POV
We had all packed up our bags in the car. Josh had to get a separate car because he needed to go straight to his plane.
"It's nice to see you didn't let camping cramp your style" Josh said.
"What's wrong with my outfit? I think this is very campyish" I said.
"Yeah the Balmain T-shirt, Chanel bracelets, and diamond earrings scream regular camper" Josh said.
I laughed and pushed him.
"Forget you. I love my clothes I can't stray to far away from designer" I said.
"But seriously how much are they paying you at that damn magazine. I can barley afford that bracelet you are wearing" Josh said.
"I have friends in high places my sweetie" I said.
"Well I am going to keep you around" Josh said.
"It was so nice meeting you. Don't be a stranger" I said.
I gave Josh a hug and went to the car to wait for Michael. I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.
"Baby wake up we are here" Michael said.
I opened my eyes and saw we were at my house. Michael brought my bags into the house and I grabbed some clothes for work and put them in an overnight bag.
"I'm ready to go baby" I said.

Later that day

"You never have food here" I said.
"Because I go out to eat like a normal person" Michael said.
"That's not normal. I'm going to the grocery store" I said.
While I was at the grocery store I stopped at Target to pick up things for my house. I decided to stop at Starbucks to get a coffee. When I got back to Michaels house he was seating on his coach watching sports center.
"Took you long enough" he said.
"Shut up I stopped at a few more places" I said.
"Yeah whatever. So did you enjoy camping?" He asked.
"Yes it was actually better than I expected. I really loved horseback riding" I said.
"Yeah I know you did. You looked like a pro up there riding the horse" Michael said.
"It just came so naturally I felt so free up there" I said.
"I hope you that good when it comes to riding something else" he said.
"Eww you are disgusting!" I said.
Michael laughed as I pushed him off the couch.
"I'm serious though I really want to buy Boot" I said.
"You want to buy a damn horse. Have you lost you mind?" He asked.
"No and I wish everyone would stop reacting like that" I said.
"Just get a goldfish or something first" Michael said.
"Whatever" I said.
"I need to ask you something" Michael said.
"Okay what?" I said.
"I have this really important event to go and I wanted to know would you be my date?" he asked.
"Yeah of course" I said.
"Okay cool it's in about two weeks at the Ritz Carrolton" he said.
"I have to start searching for something to wear maybe I will asked Roxy for help. She can contact some of our designer friends" I said.
"Yeah do whatever you need to I will pay for it" Michael said.
"Excuse me? I don't need you to pay for anything I have my own money" I said.
"You may have your own money but I am your boyfriend now and I invited to to this event" Michael said.
"So just because you are my boyfriend you we obligated to pay for everything? I don't think so. I have no clue what type of girls you been fucking with but I can afford my own lifestyle" I said.
"I didn't say you couldn't afford your lifestyle but I amable to take care of you" Michael said.
"I don't need anyone to take care of me" I said.
"Okay I'm done with this conversation" Michael said.
"Okay cool. Let's FaceTime Josh" I suggested.
Michael got his phone and called Josh. He answered on the third ring. We talked for about two hours about everything. I told him he needed to get transferred to the Falcons so we could hangout all the time. Michael finally got tired of me hogging the phone and told Josh he would call him back.
"Alright it's getting late I'm going to bed" I said.
"Okay me too" Michael said.
We both showered together surprising Michael kept his hands to his self. After the shower we hopped in bed within 15 minutes we were both out.

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