1: How Can I Hate Family This Much?

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Okay, so before you start reading, I am informing everyone that this fanfic will be a bit quickly paced. I'm only planning on about 15-20 chapters at most. I started writing this at like 3 in the morning at a friend's house, so sorry if some of it is worded oddly. I went over it. so I hope nothing is too bad. In later chapters, there will be smut. Other than that, enjoy :)


Vic's POV:
Loud beeps clogged my mind as I opened my eyes to see the white of my boring ceiling. Instinct-like, I threw my arm over to the alarm and hit the 'off' button. I sat up swiftly, rubbing my eye, ready to get out of bed and start my day.

Oh boy, another day of private school. Isn't that fucking great?

My mom just transferred me recently because she doesn't agree with my gayness. Neither does the rest of my family, I guess. They all hate me because of it, and my mom came up with the brilliant fucking idea of bringing me to a private school where you aren't supposed to be anything non-binary.

They will slap your wrists with rulers if you're anything out if the ordinary and it seriously sucks. Not as much as I want to suck some dick, am I right?

Oh lord what is my life?

On the subject of sucking dick; I may or may not have a crush on the 'weirdest' and 'most emo' boy in school. Kellin Bostwick Quinn, also known as my best friend. He's so perfect in every way, and he's gay too so that's a plus.

I've always tried to get close to him, but he just pushes me away because he thinks I want to hurt him. The only way I would want to hurt him is his ass, I guess.

I'm a bad person. I need to stop. I fucking need to get ready.

I jumped out of bed and sprayed my hair with some dry shampoo to get that grease out of my hair; gotta look good if you're trying to impress your crush, am I right? Once the shampoo had set and I shook my hair, I brushed through it quickly and flipped it into place.

Now, clothes. The thing that comes with private school is stupid fucking uniforms. I hated the way it looked on me, but damn, Kellin can make the uniform the sexiest article of clothing ever. I just wanted to rip the shirt off of him and kiss the fuck out of his face.

Again with the over extending fantasies. Let's finish getting ready, I guess.

I had only been wearing my batman boxers, so I don't have to worry about fucking up my hair when pulling off a shirt. I pulled down my boxers, grabbed a new pair from the drawer, and slid on the aforementioned clean pair. I walked over to the closet and pulled out a white button up, the red tie that went with it, and the tan pants known as my uniform. I put on the white button up and pulled up the ugly brown pants that I was forced to wear.

And now I have to use dark magic to make my tie fit perfectly, right? Haha, no. I have to actually try.

I fumbled with my fingers for a few minutes, tying the tie as best I could. That should do.

I looked in the mirror, making sure my outfit was looking as good as it could, then walked over to my drawer to grab socks.

White, or black? Hm such a difficult decision. I guess I'll go a bit crazy today and wear black.

I chuckled a bit at my sarcasm as I rolled the socks onto my feet.

Next is breakfast time, can't wait for this amazing human interaction with the people who are forcing me to go to this horrible school.

I walked out of my room, and down the stairs into our living room, and around the corner into the kitchen.

"Good morning sweetie." My mom said kindly with a shit-eating grin. God, she thinks she's the greatest mom because she has gotten rid of the curse known as my homosexuality. It's not really gone, but I wouldn't want to spoil her fun, now would I?

"Mornin' mom." I said with false enthusiasm.

"Do waffles sound good for breakfast?" The woman asked. Of course it sounded good, what sort of person doesn't like waffles?

"Of course!" I walked over to the cabinets and drawers to grab some silverware, going to set the table for my beloved family.

I really had to turn into a different person to get along with my family. It's quite scary, honestly. I make myself into someone I've made up in my mind. The perfect son. The straight son. The "super student" son.

The person that I'm not.

The person that my family thinks I am. The person my family believes I am. The person my family cares for.

Wow, okay that got depressing. I finished putting the plates and utensils on the table, and went over to my mom to hug her "like a good son would". I would much rather be hugging Kellin. I would much rather be with Kellin in general.

Why is Kellin on my mind? It's like he just lives there. He just lives in my mind now, I guess.

"Alright, you're breakfast is ready." My mom gestured to the toaster with the waffles popping out.

I grabbed my plate and walked over to the toaster, quickly picking up and putting the waffles down on my plate so I didn't burn myself. I walked back to the table and set my plate down, then sat in my chair.

"Thanks for breakfast, mom." I smiled a "I only love you because I have to because you're my mom" smile.

"No problem sweetie." She smiled back, not picking up on my attitude, but it was probably for the better.

I finished eating my waffles and put the plate in the sink. I was honestly expecting my younger brother, Mike to come downstairs by now, but I then remembered that he doesn't go to the private school. He doesn't have to wake up at five in the morning to get to school by six, like me.

"Ready to go, champ?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, just let me put on my shoes." I replied and walked to the door where my black, school shoes were and slid them on, then tied their laces.

"Okay, let's go." My mom said with a smile, so I grabbed my backpack and binder, ready to get out the door.

We walked to the car and got in, my mom starting the ignition and pulling out of the driveway.

Can't wait to get to school. So much fun awaits me. 6 hours of nothing but hell. Yay.

I really want to tell Kellin that I like him, but I don't even know what he would do. I honestly think he would freak out and not believe me. I mean, we're friends and all, but he doesn't let me get any closer and he builds walls around his emotions so that no one can get close to him. It can be really annoying sometimes, but I guess I just have to work for his trust.

Again with the non-stop thoughts of Kellin.


I walked into the school gates to be met with a happier-than-normal Kellin smiling when he saw me. I smiled back and walked over to him and his perfect self.

"Hey, dude." I said, holding back from blushing like a schoolgirl.

"'Sup?" Kellin asked casually.

"Oh nothing, you know, just going to school." I said sarcastically, and he shoved my shoulder playfully.

"Oh shut up." He said in mock anger.

"Whatever." I barely had enough time to get my single word out before the bell rang and Kellin and I had to go our separate ways.

"See ya." I said, smiling at Kellin once again.

"Later." He waved slightly.


A/N I hope you liked this first chapter! I tried to make it pretty long. If you did enjoy it, please vote so that I know you enjoyed reading it

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