5: Brother, Brother

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The last few days had honestly been bliss. Kellin had opened up to me a bit more, and I felt like he was really beginning to trust me. I knew we still had to work on his faith in me, but every day I was able to see in his eyes that he truly wants to trust me with all of his heart. I feel like his mind has always had trust in me, but his heart will always be tainted from the abuse he went through. Kellin needed a disinfectant to pure his heart again and make him live and love without fear again. I honestly wanted to be the disinfectant for him. I want to be the one to make him feel safe again.

I know that we're only sixteen, but I could spend all of my life with Kellin. I knew that I could. I could easily spend the rest of my days caring for Kellin's shattered heart until it was okay again. I would even do it for him if it meant my heart would break in the process. All I need is for Kellin to be able to trust people with his heart.

I know I wouldn't exactly want to use all of my time fixing the mess Brad left behind in Kellin's heart, just for Kellin to go off and find someone else, but if it made him happy, I would do it with pleasure. Kellin is really the most important part of my life right now. He makes me feel like me being gay is normal, and not forbidden, as it is in my house.

Kellin and I have grown together so fast and I feel like either one of us could crash and burn at any moment, but I will make sure that it's me. There is no way Kellin will go through any more pain. I will take any and all measures to make sure Kellin will never hurt on my watch.


Doing homework sucks. Especially on a Friday afternoon when you wouldn't have this homework if you went to a normal school. I don't think the private schools know the term "free time" because all we do is work. Having free time would be exactly what I need right now, all I want to do is get away with Kellin. I saw him at school earlier today, but I feel like I always needed him near me. It never matters if we're talking about something important, lame, or nothing at all. I always feel wanted in his company.

Speaking of the devil.

I felt a slight buzz in my pocket, so I grabbed my phone and checked the dim screen to see I had a new text from Kellin. I opened it to see his message.

It read:
"You up to hang out?"

I fucking wish. I just had some damn homework to do.

"Ugh I can't. Mr. Carsons assigned homework, but I'm almost done so soon I guess" I responded to his text stupidly.

I didn't even have enough time to put my phone back into my pocket before Kellin texted back.

His new text read:
"Ugh, okay. Could you meet me in front of the park in like half an our?"

I should be done with my homework within 25 minutes, giving me five minutes to walk to the park literally across my street. So, yeah. That should be okay.

"Yeah" I texted back within like .2 seconds.

"Kk" he replied with a totally girly text that had me giggling in my chair.

I was gonna say something about it, but I just wanted to get my homework done as soon as I could. I looked back down at the stupid paper and picked up my pencil and started writing down answers that made it looked like I was trying for the next twenty or so minutes.


Putting my homework neatly into my binder, I rushed to call out to mom that I was going to the park with "some friends". What mom doesn't know won't hurt her, right?

"Hey, mom! I'm gonna go meet up with some friends at the park across the street." I yelled up the stairs.

"Alright hun! Your father and I are going out to dinner soon and Mike's at a friend's house, so when you come back just check to see if Mike has come home yet." She yelled down the stairs so I could hear her.

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