3: Keep Your Soul Like the Secret in Your Throat

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Walking home from school always sucks, but I feel like it's worse today. Maybe it's my lack of enthusiasm, or maybe it's how hot the sun is burning on my back. Maybe it's the way my dark hair soaks up the sun and all of the heat just goes to my head.

Walking home sucks. Walking home takes about half an hour in the blazing summer sun. Walking home is filled with other assholes yelling names like 'faggot' in my general direction. Walking home makes me want to fall down and not get up again, but there's one thing that makes it better.

Kellin makes walking home better. We turn off at different places about two-thirds of the way to my house, so I don't get him the entire time, but I have him while I can. Most of the time we just walk in comforting silence, but sometimes we break out in small-talk or light-hearted conversations. But every time, as soon as I feel like I'm warming up to him and he's warming up to me, he has to turn off to go to his home.

I can't just spend the entire day with him. My home is ripped away from me as he goes to his home, because there's no way that I could possibly be his home.


Kellin had just turned off onto his street, leaving me to continue forward in the blazing heat. For a second I wondered if it was supposed to be this hot in the month before school ends, but then realized that of course it was; it's May.

Some people find the weather nice, but to me it's unbearable. It was always too hot or too cold in Southern California and I truly hated it.

Kellin came from Michigan, and moved here a while ago- I think he said he came in sixth grade, but had always gone to a private school- so it must feel hot to him too. Sometimes I thought I was the only one who was uncomfortable in this weather, but nope. Kellin was too. And that made it okay.


Once I finally made my way home, I took the key out from my backpack and put it into the door's knob. Opening the door, I saw that there was no one home yet, which was a regular occurrence, unless my mom didn't have work.
The only odd thing was the note on the fridge.

It read:
Please go to the store with this cash and buy what I have on the list attached to this paper. Please bring back the change.

There was a small envelope with a fifty dollar bill and a list of about ten items on it. I didn't have any problems other than the fact that I'm not allowed to keep the leftover change. I could have used the change to save up for merch.
It's whatever, though. Not like I'd be able to show anyone at school with the stupid uniforms.

I should probably get going now, I don't really want someone to come home, not that they really would, and be like "ugh Vic just go get the groceries".

I grabbed the money, list, and dropped my backpack and binder by the front door before opening it to grab my bike from the porch. I walked my bike down the steps, and across the lawn, making my way to the street. Once I was on the street I put the money and list in my pocket, then got on the bike, starting to peddle.

The store isn't that far way, just past the school by a few blocks, so it shouldn't take more than fifteen minutes to get there. The shopping should only take another fifteen minutes, an the ride back should be another fifteen. So, I should be back in like forty-five minutes. Then I'll have homework for ten years. Oh boy, such fun.

I continued on my path and began to wonder what Kellin was doing. Maybe he was just at home doing his homework, or maybe he was avoiding it all together, or maybe he was on tumblr. I don't know what Kellin does in his spare time, honestly.

Maybe Kellin was thinking of me too. I don't think he was, but... what if he was? What if he likes a crush on me too? What if I occupy his mind 24/7 the way he does to me? What if he was wondering how I was doing? How is he doing? Is Kellin doing okay? I hope so. I don't really know anything that would be of danger to him.

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