Part 1

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  I sat on the couch with my two younger brothers Greg and Keithy playing a video game. While we were playing my dad came in the room yelling at someone from work and holding a board game. "That's right you better back down" he said sitting on a small leather stool beside the couch. "Have a good 4th of July...alright love you too" he said while hanging up. "Sup kids...hey shaey, Gregy, Keithy." He said watching us play the video game, trying to gain our attention while I tried to push Keithy so he would lose. "You guys ever hear of a game called shoots and laters?...pretty awesome game, I used to play when I was a kid." He continued to try and explain the game to us but we weren't really listening. After my dad finished explaining my oldest younger brother said "yeah and what happens the winner gets a training bra?" "Yeah dad that game sounds like it sucks." Keithy said letting out a slight smile. "No I'm telling you this was like the greatest game, me and my buddies would play it on a winter day, we go down in the basement, drink hot chocolate..." my dad trailed off on his sentence "I wouldn't mind a hot chocolate right now. Hey Rita, Rita!!!" Kiethy yells for our nanny. "Dude you gotta text her, she's doing laundry" Greg says. The land line starts to ring as my brother continues talking "hey dad we were at the Speelburgs house yesterday...they have 150" tv. Can we get one of those?" "You know what when you direct E.T I'll get you one of those. W-w-what is the object here I-I don't get it, you're on a cruise ship and-and y-y-you chop peoples heads off with a chain saw?" My dad asked stuttering in confusion. "Oh and you can drown them!" Keithy replied to my dads question while the phone continues to ring. "Granny over board" the narrator of the game says in a deep menacing voice. "Can somebody answer the Phone!!!" My dad yelled down the hall. "Maybe I should get some chamomile for my throat too." Keithy said adding more to the text for our nanny Rita. My dad and my brother continue to have a somewhat subtle fight about texting.

  "Ok I got everything for you guys" Rita says while walking into the living room. "Who was that on the phone Rita?" My dad asks. "I'm sorry mr.fader I don't know Becky answered." Rita said in a low soft voice. "Ok-ok Rita thanks for making the" my dad got cut off by Greg being an annoying little brat about what kind of hot coco mix she used. I tuned everybody out because I didn't want to be apart of that conversation. I was shot back into reality, hearing a toppling crash out side. My brothers, my dad, Rita,and I run out the glass door to see what happened. The car had been driven into the out door seating area. As we neared the long car my little sister hopped out of the drivers seat and said "I didn't mean too, it was an accident." "I don't care are you all right?" My dad questioned little Becky, hugging her. "What the heck were you doing?" He questions again "I was trying to use the navy." "The navy, what's the navy?" "The navy in the car to ask it a question." "You mean the navigation system idiot" Keithy budded into the conversation, I just gave him a simple slap on the back of his head for being an asshole. "Shhhh Keithy relax" my dad said. "Some man called and said that your friend coach buzzer went to heaven, I was trying to find heaven on the navy station, so you could go visit him." Becky said in a very worrisome tone of voice. My dad stays silent and only lets out a quiet yikes. "Who's your friend dad?" Becky questioned "uh coach buzzer was someone very special in daddy's life...that's terrible. Ok go-go uh drink some hot chocolate, are you sure you're ok?"

  Fulton's POV
    I was swimming in the pool with my dad, younger sister, and little brother. My mom walks out of the house with a disappointed Expression on her face and say "Erick hun it's your mom..." my dad walks to the edge of the pool and Tries climbing out but fails miserably when the side of the pool breaks and all the way goes rushing into the yard including my dad and siblings. I mentally face palm while my dad answers the phone.

A/N: ok so I didn't realize how long this was till I re-read it but any ways I hope you enjoyed the first part.

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