Chapter one: The Meeting

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"Greaic! Greaic, where are you?  You have a letter!" Someone called, Greaic perked up.

"From who?" He called back, moving to take it.

"It doesn't say, it's just addressed to you." Greaic took the letter looking it over curiously.

"Thank you Elder." He said before tearing the letter open.

'Mr. Keyynore,

You among three others have been selected for a special task.  You will meet at the Gateway Tree of the Eagle at twelve o'clock Sunday morning.  Inform no one of where you are going or of the task you have been given.  Come prepared for the worse. Do not be late!

"P.V. Who is-" he began to ask himself before pondering silently.

. . .

Amara showed up to the Gateway Tree two hours early, excited to meet the others.  She stepped back to look at the whole tree, inspecting its long strong branches, great gnarled roots, as she approached it she could feel the power it held that didn't match the dark woods around it. She roamed around the forest around the tree for what seemed like hours until she heard rustling in the bushes.

"Little fox, I know you are there in the shadows," said a sleek voice.

"Callister? What are you doing here?" Amara asked, whirling around to face him.

"Well, I would imagine for the same reason you are here dear Amara," He said with a wry smile.

"Alpha! You got a letter too!?" Amara asked excitedly.

"Why of course," said Callister with a light laugh.

"Well -" Amara started before a new voice cut her off.

"I take it you two have already met then?" said the newcomer from high in the tree.

"Yes, but I don't believe I have had the pleasure," Callister replied smoothly stepping in front of Amara.

"I am Greaic Keyynore. You must be Callister, which makes you Amara," He said after leaping down from his perch in the branches.

"Pleasure," Callister responded. "Still this only makes three of us."

"Yes, and the letter said there were going to be four. Where is our fourth?" asked Amara, glancing around.

"That would be me." said a deep gravelly voice.  Greaic spun on the spot drawing his bow.

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