Chapter four: The Memories

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Greaic walked into his new academy, the gray walls already starting to close in. He was assaulted by lockers being slammed, students running, throwing footballs. They were all wearing the same gray shirt and blue pants. Greaic stepped against the wall wanting to melt into the shadows. He was trapped in his own thoughts, when he was jolted back to reality by a voice talking to him.

"Hi my name is Emrys, you're new right? You wanna be friends? Of course you do come on." The boy apparently named Emrys rambled before grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallway. "I take it your new, scared look and all, well, we get to pick our classes so you can be in mine, we'll have loads of fun."

"Why are you talking to me?"Greaic asked just wanting to be left alone. Emrys stopped and turned to look him in the eyes.

"Because you're new and I know what it feels like to be new and alone and it sucks,so I'm going to be your friend. Now come on or we are going to be late."

Greaic went through the day with Emrys and he was having ... fun. His first week went by in a flash and the pushy boy he met on his first day slowly became his best friend. They hung out all the time at school, at home, and they even had their own special place in the woods. They were sitting in that special little place one day doing homework when Emrys broke the silence.

"Hey Greaic?"


"I have a question, Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" Emrys blurted out rambling like always.

"Yes." Greaic answered without hesitation. But Emrys kept going.

"I know we only met each other three months ago in the hallways at school but the have been the best three months of my lif— wait really?" Emrys stopped mid-explanation. "I thought I was going to have to explain myself."

"Emrys, Shut up and come over here," Greaic said leaning toward his brand new boyfriend planting a kiss of his lips. Both boys melted into the kiss. "Gods I've waited so long to do that!"

"No more talking," Emrys hummed. Pushing Greaic down on the pillows of their special place, "You're so beautiful," Emrys said, climbing on top of his boyfriend, kissing him again. Their first kiss turned into a make-out session. Emrys snaked his hands to Greaic's top button on his shirt, never breaking the kiss he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Is this okay?" Greaic was so caught up on the moment all he could muster was a quick nod "Good boy," Emrys soon got Greaic's shirt off followed by his own. Greaic slipped his hands into Emrys' blonde hair pulling slightly. Emrys moved his kisses down Greaic's neck.

"Em. Em." Greaic spoke breathlessly "OMG's what was that!" he said as a rustling outside made Emrys pull away.

"Shhh. I'll be right back."

"Emrys no, I was probably just a rabbit," he said, pulling at his boyfriend's arm. The rustling interrupted Greaic's pleading. They both jerked their heads up looking toward the rustling. A rabbit hopped out and looked at them. Emrys let out a little laugh before being pulled into another kiss by his boyfriend.


Emrys stood in Greaic's doorway watching him do his homework. Smirking as Greaic gets frustrated slamming his pencil on his desk.

"Wow your going to hurt your pencils feeling if you keep doing that,"

"Em!" Greaic said hopping up and running over to his boyfriend. " Your back! I thought you were supposed to be gone for the next week?"

"I couldn't miss our six month anniversary, now could I," Emrys said, taking a step into his boyfriend's room. "I know how much it means to you."

"Well yea but won't you get in trouble for leaving?" Greaic said continuing without waiting for an answer. "I mean I can't let you get in trouble I would feel so bad. You have to go back. I love you but—" the last nine months rubbed off on Greaic and he started rambling just like Emrys.

"Greaic my love, my little elf, I care more about you that I care about what will happen. I came back because you are way more important to me than any punishment I could get. You mean the world to me, and I know it's only six months but I know its a big deal in your culture so I don't want you worrying about m--,"

"I'm glad you came back." Greaic eventually said quietly. "I am sc-- was just scared."

"Of what my love?"

"What your father might do."

"Do not worry your pretty little head about that, let's go and celebrate."


"Em? Hey let me in let me help please." Greaic spoke softly into Emrys' closed door.

"Go away. I do not want your help"

"I know you're hurting, but I can help please let me try. You've been locked in your room for two days, love let me in."

"He's gone Grey, don't you understand that, dead, cold, fallen. I will never get to see my father again and it's all my fault." Emrys yelled, yanking open his door.

"Em, no. It is not your fault. You can't blame yourself. You'll tear yourself apart. My love please."

"No you know what your right, it wasn't my fault," Emrys turned around to look Greaic in the face, seething he finished. "It was yours. It is your fault he's gone. You can't help me because you caused this. So get out, leave, I don't ever want to see you again. GET OUT!!!!!" Greaic stood there with tears streaming down his face.



"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Greaic, blubbering, turned around and ran out of Emrys' house.

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