Chapter two: The Orders

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"That would be me." said a deep gravelly voice.  Greaic spun on the spot drawing his bow.

"Is there going to be a problem Keyynore?" askes the man.

"That all depends on you Emrys," Greaic growled.

"I do not intend to make tro-"

"You always intend to make trouble," interrupted Greaic bow still drawn.

"Hush now Mr. Keyynore, bow down," a powerful new voice spoke as Greaic put his arrow back in its quiver.  "Good you are all here, and early if I might add. I am Phearynn Valnore."

"I do not want to be rude but who are you?" Amara said, looking around.

"Phearynn Valnore the hero of Letra, the forbidden traveler," explained Emrys.

"Careful Emrys your nerd is showing," Greaic whispered.

"Shut up!"

"Yes, Mr. Domhnall that Phearynn Valnore," said the voice. He continued stepping out of the shadows, "I have asked you four here because I am not as young as I used to be," Phearynn said gesturing to himself.  He walked with a cane, and had greying hair.

"Pfft. That's an understatement." Emrys muttered under his breath.

"Mr. Domhnall, I thought that with how fascinated you seem to be of me you would talk with a little bit more respect," Phearynn responded, getting a snicker from Greaic and Amara. "I have summoned you here because you four are the best at what you do, and I need you to travel to the castle of Kirischol. I will meet you at the gates of the castle in no more than a single fortnight."

"Kirischol? There's black magic there sir," Greaic said voice shaking a little.

"I am fully aware of what is there Mr. Keyynore."

"Sir we are just school children you know?  Black magic and the horrors that lurk there are not something to mess with."

"I understand what you are, I will see you in fourteen days at the gates of the castle" Phearynn said raising his voice, with that he turned around and stalked away. Amara was the first to speak after he left.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm asking a lot of questions but where are we supposed to go?"

"The forbidden land young Amara," answered Greaic, "Let's introduce ourselves properly, yes?" he said quickly, trying to change the subject. "I am Greaic Keyynore, I am 16, an elf of Reddrales.  Amara why don't you go next."

"Oh. Okay, I'm Amara Collins and I am 13, and a fairy."

"I'll go next. Callister Greene at your service, I am a 16 year old shapeshifting hellhound."

"A what?" Greaic asked.

"I have a feeling you'll find out soon." Callister answered.

"Last but more importantly. I am Lord Emrys Domhnall and I am a 17 year old expert swordsman."

"You are not a Lord and I'd say mediocre at best." corrected Greaic.

"Oh you would say that you greasy little -"

"Gentlemen, please set aside your personal quarrels, we have a long quest ahead of us and little time to do it in.  Let's sleep and we will start at sunrise." interrupted Callister.  With that the group started to set up camp, working in silence.  They finally finished setting up at thirty minutes later and settled down by the fire Callister built.

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