Chapter five: The Advice

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"Sir, Greaic, Greaic? Are you okay?"

"Yes, sorry, sorry. He was just different."

"Maybe this quest is just what he needs to change!" Amara said, yawning clueless to what just happened.

"It's off to bed with you little fox, come along." Cals said helping Amara up.  "Please do not go anywhere. I would like to discuss something with you," he said, turning to Greaic.  He left holding Amara's hand, he came back a few minutes later.

"What is she to you." Greaic asked, adding in "If you don't mind me asking."

"She is like my little sister. I found her wandering through the woods as a toddler and have been taking care of her since." Callister said looking in the direction of Amara.  After a long pause he continued "You do not have to be ashamed of yourself, you know?  You love who you love.  I myself am not inclined towards females." Greaic just sat there, his mouth agape.

"I- I, Umm. Thank you, truly." Greaic finally choked out.

"Of course Master Greaic. I am going to head to bed. It has truly been a pleasure to meet you," and with that Callister got up and started to walk away, leaving Greaic to sit with his feelings.  Greaic sat there fighting with the two sides of his brain to make up a decision before Callister got too far.  Greaic got up and ran after Callister.

"Callister-" Greaic yelled running to meet the hellhound. Callister stopped and turned around, "Can you just keep this between us for now.... Please?"

"Of course," Callister responded. "I would never dream of telling anyone, it is your secret to share,"

"Thank you for understanding, I'll leave you to get ready for bed," Greaic said turning to the Gateway Tree to find his perch again.


"Yes?" He answered, turning his head. He had already made it half way back to his spot.

"You mentioned that you were an elf of Reddrales. How did you get there at only 16?"

"Very painfully," Greaic responded bluntly, continuing his climb up the tree.

. . .

The three boys were awake eating the breakfast Callister hunted and cooked earlier that morning. Greaic kept sharing looks with Callister, but none of them spoke. The sun had not risen yet but their journey started today and they needed the head start.

"Where's the little fairy this morning?" Emrys asked, breaking the silence.

"By the river, she had to ask her elders something this morning," Callister answered standing up.


"Yes, her people call their dead, The Elders, and whenever they seek guidance they go and pray to them. Hoping that they can help," as Callister finished Amara came back through some bushes looking rather dismal.

"Did all go well little one?" Greaic asked Amara.

"No! They said they wouldn't help. That I needed to do this for myself with no help from my people. I think that they are just telling me a bunch of fairy fluff cause they don't really know how to help." She finished screaming the last part at the sky.

"Your Elders are different than mine, but one thing I've learned is that the Elders are never wrong. Even if you think they are in the heat of the moment, in the end you realize that you should have listened to them," Greaic said rubbing a spot under his shirt.

"Yeah. I guess you're right,"

"Amara you may have to do this without your people but you have been without your people for the better part of your life. And what's different from then to now is you have us, and none of us plan on leaving anytime soon." Callister chided in.  They all nodded, locking in their place on this journey for the foreseeable future.

"Let's get going so we make this deadline. Because I don't think it's just going to be a walk in the park." Emrys said getting up and stretching.

"Agreed, I do not like to travel in human form so please do not be alarmed," Callister spoke, stepping back from the table. "Excuse me, I'll be back in a few minutes." Then he walked away leaving the two boys very confused.

"Oooo I hope it's the dog this time!" Amara said excitedly, clearing their make-shift table.

"What! Did you just say dog?" Greaic exclaimed sharing a look with Emrys.

"Yes, a dog. Did you think that was Callister's natural form?" Amara said looking at the boy's confused faces, "Wait, did you?" Both boys just stood there looking at her wide eyed. "hhhhoo.My.Faes. You thought that was his natural form," Amara exclaimed, crying from laughter. "I think you boys will be pleasantly surprised."  As she finished a black wolf emerged from the woods.

"So, that's his normal form?" asked a confused Greaic.

"No, that's one he's in a lot.  I think you'll see his true form by the end of this quest so don't worry." They finished cleaning up their campsite. Greaic turned and studied Callister with his coat being of the deepest black, stalking around the clearing.

"Hello Callister," Amara said, walking up and petting the wolf. A low growl that rumbled the earth erupted from Callister causing Amara to pull her hand back quickly. "Right, sorry," Amara mumbled.

"Woah. Woah. Woah, that's Callister's natural form." Emrys questioned.

"No, Dingus." Greaic rolled his eyes, "You never did listen well and its still cu-- *ahem* That's one of his forms, let's go shall we."

"Um. yeah, let's go" Emrys responded rubbing the back of his neck. With that they started walking to Kirischol.

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