ch 1; I want a child

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Dark Sonic sits on the edge of the bed while looking out through the window. It's afternoon and he was already bored.
According to the date, it's about 180 years since he left his old life.
But, in the reality, it's about three years ago, Mephiles opened a portal and decided to bring Sonic with him. Teleporting into the future.
Dark Sonic hasn't missed his old life for one bit.
He has honestly been relieved to part ways with a few peoples. Like Amy.
Yes, he had feelings for her, but he never thought she would be so, clingy and annoying.
It was a big mistake to ever start dating her.

And he can honestly not understand what Shadow went through with Mephiles.
The mouth-less hedgehog has only been kind to him. Never raised the voice at him, or hurted him violently.
Mephiles has honestly been the best thing what could happen to Sonic.
The only person who could understand his dark sides.
Underneath the shell as everyone's hero, has an anger been growing.
The seed of anger had started growing slowly in the beginning. Growing until it turned into a plant of hate and wrath. Causing Sonic's fur to change color.
Now, when he isn't the same Sonic everyone loved, he knows... No one of his old friends would accept him... They would probably try to turn him back to his old self.
No one would accept him now, except his beloved boyfriend of course.

Sonic flinches when he notices the pond of shadow on the floor, where his boyfriend appears from.
Despite he doesn't has any mouth, Mephiles gives Sonic a smile.
"Sonic, I have a little surprise in the kitchen..."
Dark Sonic scoffs and rolls the eyes while leaning backward where he holds him up with the hands.
"Thanks Meph-... But I'm bored... And I don't think any gift would cheer me up..." he sighs.
Mephiles tilts the head confused and sits down next Sonic on the bed.
"What's wrong?-... Don't tell me you have got tired of me..." the mouth-less hedgehog says a bit worried.
He doesn't know what feeling he has for Sonic, but he knows he would be devastated if Sonic dumped him.
Dark Sonic gives him a tired smile.
"Of course not-... It's only-..." he starts explaining and gets silent while the ears drop.
Mephiles raises an eyebrow and puts a hand over Sonic's.
Sonic shrugs.
"Don't you think-... It's kinda silent in this large mansion, with only you and me?"
The bewildered hedgehog blinks surprised.
"Eh?... Maybe... What are you trying to tell me? Do you miss your old Friends?"
Sonic let's out a short laugh, he soon swallows.
The former hero shakes his head and looks at Mephiles.
"No... I wasn't thinking about them... I was thinking about the laughter of a child"
"The laughter of a child?"
Sonic nods.
"Yes-... Lately I have been thinking a lot of children... I want to raise a child with you..."
For a while, they are only staring at each others in silence.
Mephiles is processing the wish Sonic has, in the mind a few times.
Then he sighs.
"You do know, you can't reproduce a child, biologically?" He asks.
"I know-..."
"And you do know we might not be able to adopt either? Since we aren't qualified?"
Sonic furrows the eyebrows sadly and looks down on the thighs.
"... I-... Know..." he mumbles silently and could already feel how his dream of a family tears apart.

Mephiles doesn't know why he is feeling bad for him. But every time Sonic seems devastated over something, he does too. Kinda.
The mouth-less hedgehog tries finding any solution for the situation. A solution that could make Sonic happy.
The older hedgehog jolts.
"Unless you want a child at any price..." he says.
Sonic flinches the eyes up and looks asking at him.
"How?-... Is there any chance I could get a child?"
Mephiles nods.
"Yes... If you are alright with my idea... I will gladly jump back in time and steal a child"
Sonic gets silent and couldn't believe his ears.
The heart pounds loudly.
Stealing a child would be one of the worst thing you could do. Despite that, he wants that.
"Okay-..." he answers in low voice.
Mephiles grunts surprised.
Dark Sonic nods and knows he should feel ashamed. But he wasn't. He isn't the same hedgehog he once was.
The hero everyone knew about, is gone.
"Yes-..." he smiles.
"I want a child... And I don't care how we'll get one"

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