ch 6; things aren't always as they seem

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It's been a few days since Manic and Silver had started hanging out.
And Silver has never had such a fun, as he does now.
Of course he enjoyed hanging out with Rouge and Shadow.
But those two feel so dark and gloomy from time to time.
So, it was enlightening to hang out with Manic who is cheerful and fun all the time.

Right now they are spending time at Silver's house. Which is a lot cleaner since Shadow was there.
They are playing smash bros on wii where Silver plays as Link while Manic plays as Ike.
The first time Manic chose Ike, Silver was surprised. Simply 'Cause Silver is shipping Link and Ike together.
He had also wrote few fanfiction about them... But he never putted them up online.
Instead he kept them hidden in a notebook in the drawer next the bed, in the nightstand.
A place no one would find them-... Until Rouge nonchalantly opened the drawer, in a try to find a dairy. But found the fanfictions instead...
Rouge grinned teasingly when she had read a few chapters.
Silver blushed, and yanked the notebook from her...

So yes-... He was surprised when Manic had chosen Ike.
But now he is enjoying the game where his favorite ship is fighting.
And he also starts seeing Manic's choice in character as a sign. That Manic was supposed to meet Silver that day by the ice cream shop...

Suddenly Silver starts bouncing a slightly. Which he does every time he won.
"I WON!" He points proudly out.
Manic chuckles, and let's go of the control on the floor where they sit.
"Well done silv- ..." he leans toward him.
"-You are really good at it, I have like no chance here... Your gaming skill is crazy~..." he adds before kissing Silver's cheek.
Silver stiffened where he swallows hardly.
Then he nervously looks at Manic who grins at him.
The silver furred hedgehog starts blushing.
"Mani-..." he starts saying when Manic placed his lips on his, and made him silent.
The kiss feels electrifying, and waves of electricity start running through his veins. From the lips, down to the fingertips.
At least it feels like that.

Silver moans softly, and leans toward him where he dropped the wii control to the side, before wrapping the arms sloppy around the other's neck.
Soon he climbed up on Manic's lap, and deepened the kiss.

He isn't sure if he gets warmer 'Cause he has Manic's body near his.
Or it's from excitement.
The heat made him a little sweaty, heavy and-... Hard?!
Silver starts tugging Manic's vest a bit impatiently.

Manic breaks the kiss, and looks a slightly ashamed away.
"I'm sorry dude-... But... I can't..."
Silver grunts confused, and looks asking at him. Unsure if he is rejected or what?!
The green hedgehog clears the throat.
"... You are very sweet and cool... But it's too early... I don't wanna go all crazy over you, and hurting you before-... You know..." he furrows the eyebrows. And seems bothered by something.

Silver smiles.
"Don't worry-... I don't want to force you into something, you aren't ready for..." he says and brushes Manic's spiky bangs away, where he kissed his forehead.
Despite he is lusting after the green hedgehog, he still wants to respect him.
Manic smiles.
"Awesome man!-... You are the best"

Silver giggles.
Then he starts brushing the head on the side of Manic's neck.
Expressing his affection for him with low purring sounds.

Manic squirms.
"I ehm-... Must go... I have a few stuff to do...You know-..."
Silver flinched, and leans away where he looks sadly and disappointed at him.
"Y-you...D-do?" He lowered the ears.
Manic nods.
"Yup-... Sorry about that..." he rubs the hand on Silver's ears.
Causing Silver to purr.

When Silver has slide down from his lap, Manic stands up.
"Thanks for today-... I will send you a text later... " he waves goodbye, before walking toward the exist.
Silver holds the hand up in respond.
"... Bye..." he blinks confused. Feeling nervous he has might done something wrong to scare him away.

Manic opened the door and walked out.
Almost immediately when he has closed the door, he pulled the phone up and called someone who answered right away.
"Hi bae-... I'm done here... See you about fifteen minutes..."
Soon he could hear the sound of chuckle from the other end.
"Perfect-..." a young man says.
"... - I'm hungry, get me some Chinese"
Manic inhales while walking away from Silver's house.
"Yeeeaaah-... Just use me as an errand-boy-... Like I don't have something better to do... But okay...As you wish" Manic says before hanging up, and called the place where he could order the take-out.

Manic entered the rented apartment with the plastic bag where a white box with Chinese, waits to get eaten.
"I'm back~" The green hedgehog says smiling.
At first it's silent.
Then he could hear movements from the bedroom.
"I'm in the bedroom... You better have the food, or I might kick your ass"
Manic scoffs and walks toward the bedroom where Scourge lays half sitting across the bed from one long side to the other long side.
The hedgehog with black leather jacket and sunglasses by the forehead smirks.
"Finally~... You have no idea how hungry I am..."Scourge says while eyeing the plastic bag, and then Manic.
"... For food... And you~" he flirts.
Manic chuckles and walks toward the bed where he places the bag next Scourge.
"I suggest you are eating first, while it's warm... "

Scourge sits up in hurry and opened the bag with excitement, to get the things.
But soon his ears dropped in disappointment.
Manic hums confused over his behavior.
"Something wrong, Scourge?... You suddenly behaved as you got coal instead of a toy during Christmas-..." He asks while sitting down.
Scourge raises a brow at him.
"... No soda?-..."
The corners of Manic's lips curl upward into a small smile.
"No?-... You only told me to get you Chinese... Which I did... It's not my fault you aren't more specific... " he shrugs teasingly.
Scourge's ears dropped more in disappointment, and he furrows the eyebrows sadly.
"B-but-... It's kinda obvious you always should have a soda to the food"

Manic chuckles and started opening the fanny pack.
"Lucky you-...  I actually have a soda in here..." he says with the hand shoved in the fanny pack he always carries around.
Then he picks up a red can with Coca-Cola.
Scourge brights happily up.
"I knew I could count on you~" he says and grabbed the can.
Manic chuckles.

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