ch 4; sorry, but I can't!

81 2 0

Silver was worried.
How would Amy respond if he tells her the truth? That, Sonic doesn't wants to come back. Like ever.
And instead he would rather stay with a psychopath than with her...
Silver shudders over the thought how she would respond.
He rose the fist against her door.
Then he swallows hardly, and knocks.

The heart pounds loudly and swiftly behind the furry chest.
The ears were ringing while all other sounds were almost muted.
He tried his best to listen after any sound from the house, but couldn't focus and drive the ringing noise away.
A while later, he tries knocking again.
But no one answered the door.

Despite Silver is feeling kinda relieved, he is feeling somewhat confused.
If Amy isn't home, where could she be?
The a slightly dizzy hedgehog, from all nervousness, starts walking away from Amy's house.
Maybe he should tell Shadow and Knuckles about the situation with Sonic...


Shadow was alone in the bed.
It has been few weeks since he'd lost Shade.
There are no sign what could had happened with him.
At first he was cheering himself up with the idea, Shade had only walked away and got lost.
Then he was afraid a pedophile had kidnapped him.
But even though he knocked on every single door, and pushed himself into strangers' houses, he couldn't find his boy.
Now, he is only waiting for someone to find Shade's lifeless body in the water...

Shadow starts shivering and tried pulling the blanket more toward him. Only the face wasn't covered.
No matter what he tries, he keeps freezing.

Over the latest days, he hadn't even cared to leave the bed.
Only when he had to use the restroom for a moment.
So... Knuckles had to take care of the children, since Shadow wasn't in any state to do that.
Right now, the others are guarding the master emerald. Leaving Shadow alone in his dark mental place.


Silver didn't even cared to knock the door to Shadow's house.
He has always felt welcome to his best friend.
Everything have'd felt natural around Shadow, from the first moment when he'd met him.
The hedgehog looks curiously around in the house, where the mind is partly ignoring the toys on the floors.
"Shadz?-... I'm back" he says, and couldn't stop the smile forming on the lips.
He has really missed his friends. Especially Shadow.

But the smile soon vanished, when he notices the depressed aura from the bedroom.
He moves toward the room, where he notices the pile underneath the blanket. Formed as an animal.

The room is dimmed, with its only light coming from outside. Almost blocked by the sun-blinds.
Silver's heart pounds nervously when he walked around the bed, to look worried at Shadow.
"Shadow?-... Are y-you A-alright?" He swallows hardly and stares at the tired face of his friend. Who also looks kinda numb.

The voice of Silver, is barely reaching Shadow's mind.
At first, the voice is bouncing a little in the backhead.
Then the mind starts grasping that sound, and reminding him, who is standing next him.
"... Silver?" The ebony asks in low voice, and looks up at him.

Silver gives him a nervous smile. He has never seen Shadow like this... So lost, and fragile.
"Y-yes-..." he nods.
"...- It's me... I'm back... Now-..." he says and starts kneeling down to reach Shadow's head-height.
"...- Tell m-..." he adds when Shadow flinched up, and threw himself over Silver with the arms.
Silver gasped, and had almost lost the balance and thudded down on the floor.
The Silver furred hedgehog wiggled a little until he regained the balance.
"Shad-..." he blinks confused.

Shadow inhales sharply with closed eyes.
"I've lost him... And can't f-find h-him-..." he cries out in low voice.
Silver grunts confused.
"Who?... Sonic?... Don't worry... He is-..." he asks.
Shadow shakes the head with the chin stroking over Silver's shoulder.
"No-..." The ebony hedgehog answers with furrowed eyebrows, and opened the eyes slowly.
"... My son..." he explains.

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