ch 8; bad feeling

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Since Silver has never used makeup before, or talked about those things with the few female friends he has... He didn't knew, cleaning makeup off, would be a lot harder than he could ever imagine.
Despite he has rubbed the hands with soap and water over the face a few times, there is still a thin, thin line of lipstick across the chin. Even though it's kinda transparent as a shade like blush, it was still kinda obvious.
How embarrassing-... Especially when Manic seems having a good eye on details...

When the doorbell starts ringing, Silver sighs and turns the water off to the sink in the bathroom.
During a short moment, he starts eyeing his wet face through the mirror.
He let's out another sigh.
And when the doorbell rings for a second time, he takes a small towel he'd placed on the closed toilet lid.
With few and swift movements, he rubs the towel on the face.
Then he tosses the towel in the basket while walking out from the room and toward the hallway.
His heart starts pounding faster. He is still somewhat shy around Manic. But he is also nervous of inviting Manic to a house who isn't his.
Even though he isn't very familiar with Knuckles, he is still kinda sure, Knuckles would like Shadow, hate the idea of having strangers in their house. Especially when they aren't at home, and could keep an eye on them.
But-... If everything turns out as planned, Manic would only stay over for a short while. And then being gone long before Shadow and Knuckles get home.
And those two would never know a thing about it...

Silver opens the door with a nervous smile, and sees the smiling green hedgehog whose fanny isn't around the waist today.
"H-hi-... I'm glad you were free to come over..." he swallows nervously.
Manic shrugs with a short chuckles.
"Of course Silv!-... No way I would let a chance like this, pass... Thanks by the way for inviting me..." The green hedgehog smiles, and places the hand on the door's handle from inside.
Silver nods, and takes few steps backward so Manic could enter.
"N-no P-problem-... I-... Only wanted to H-help you out..." he gulps.
Manic starts closing the door while taking few step toward Silver.
Then without closing the door completely, he let's go of the door handle and starts kissing Silver.
'Cause of the sudden kiss, Silver forgot about the door where he didn't heard any kind of clicking sound.

When Manic breaks apart, Silver starts chuckling shyly with a confused look and a light blush.
The green hedgehog looks over Silver's shoulders.
"Well?-... Where is that awesome emerald I have heard a lot about?!"
Silver grunts confused, and glances over the shoulder.
"The emerald?-..."
Manic nods.
"Yeah-... The master emerald the echidna dude is protecting from others..." he explains.
"Oh!-... It should be upstairs..."
Manic raises an eyebrow with a nervous laugh.
Silver jolts a little, and looks at Manic.
"Y-yeah-... Or I mean... It is... Ehm... C-come..." he says and makes a small hand-gesture while moving slowly toward the stairs.
Manic smiles widely.
"Okidoki-..." he says and starts following Silver.

They walk up through the stairs, while Silver has an uneasy feeling over the whole thing.
But he waves the feeling away as bad guilt of inviting someone without asking Shadow first.
When upstairs, Silver leads Manic into a pretty large room with green walls.
The room is filled with a lot working out machines, and looks as a typical gym.
In the top corner of the room, to the left when you walked in, the master emerald glows on a pile of sheets who were 'braided' as a bird nest.

Silver points with the hand toward the master emerald, while turning a slightly away from the view.
"Here is the famous master emerald you have heard about-..." he smiles at Manic, whose eyes wides impressed.
Manic let's out a short whistle.
"Sweet-... That's a lot more impressive than I could ever imagine..." he says and starts walking toward the huge rock.
The green hedgehog's heart pounds faster the closer he gets.
When close enough, he extends the arm and was about to place the gloved palm on the master emerald, when Silver jolts.
"DON'T TOUCH!" Silver bursts out and startled Manic, where the other flinched the hand away.

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