ch 3; Don't I know you?

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Silver wasn't sure how much time has passed, since he'd left Shadow's side.
Could it be weeks? Months? Or maybe even years?
The silver furred hedgehog had searched most of the time in the past. But couldn't find any clue where Mephiles might be.
So, maybe he should try searching in the future? Around the time where he got born?

The memories of his childhood have been a slightly foggy. Which is weird.
But nothing he has spent much time to think about.
Maybe that's normal?!
Children grow up, and forget most of their earlier years.

Silver jumps in time and end up in a familiar place.
His home, about fifteen years, before his birth.

The hedgehog starts walking aimlessly around.
At least it's what he thinks he does. The feet are almost moving on themselves toward a house. A mansion, he couldn't remember, despite there is an odd feeling in his chest.
Like he knew something about the house.
Silver looks asking at the wooden door.
Should he knock?
The arm moves naturally up, where his fist knocks.
When he could hear the knocking, he flinched.
He swallows hardly.
Did he really knocked the door to some strangers!?

Silver was fidgeting nervously, and was almost about to run away, when the door gets opened.
"Hello?-..." a three years old, hedgehog boy greets asking.
Silver blinks asking and looks down at him.
When he sees Shade, he wides the eyes shocked and exhales.
"Papa?!" Silver let's out in pure surprise.
Shade raises an eyebrow, while Sonic asks in the background, whom knocked.
The boy shakes the head.
"Papa not home... Sorry..."
Silver grunts surprised and couldn't believe his eyes. His Papa who gave him birth, opened the door now, as a child...
Dark Sonic approaches them and gives Shade a short smile, before looking asking at Silver.
The smile soon turned into a grimace and Sonic takes the child in the arms. Afraid Silver would steal him.
"What are you doing here?!" Sonic hisses.

Silver couldn't answer. Instead he stares shocked at Sonic.
From out of nowhere, it feels as, pieces of his forgotten memories, start getting back to him.
How Sonic would read stories for him, when he was a child. Or giving him amounts of gifts, despite it wasn't his birthday.
"Grandma?-..." The bewildered Silver furred hedgehog says.
Could Sonic really be his grandma?! How could he had forgotten that, until now?
"Grandma?-... What are you talking about?"
Silver looks at the child in Sonic's arms. He drops the ears.
The reason he came, was to save Sonic from Mephiles, and take him back... But now-... If he is taking Sonic back, he might mess up with the time-line...
If he takes Sonic and Shade back, Shade won't meet Silver's father... And if Shade doesn't meet him, Silver won't get born in first place.
And if Silver isn't born, he wouldn't save Shadow from Mephiles.
And! If he hadn't saved Shadow, Mephiles would still be together with him, and not with Sonic...
Removing Sonic and Shade from this time, would cause a butterfly-effect... There everything would react on the changes...
Something he can't risking!
Silver smiles nervously at Sonic.
"Can I please get inside?-... I have few questions... And don't worry... I won't do anything you don't like"
Dark Sonic looks doubtfully at him, then he looks over Silver's shoulders and makes sure, Mephiles wasn't around.
"Alright-..." he sighs.
"Come in-... But make it quick... We don't have much time" he adds and steps aside.
Silver nods.
"Don't worry..." he assured and walks in.

Silver sits on the armchair, in the living room, while Sonic sits on the couch.
Shade couldn't stop staring at their guest.
The boy stands next Sonic, between him and Silver.
At first he clings a bit shyly on Sonic's arm.
Then he slowly moves toward Silver and stares at him, with the hands on the armrest at the armchair.

Silver is feeling a slightly nervous.
He keeps looking around in the room, eyeing the fireplace and the shelves, filled with many things as vases etc.
Things start slowly to look familiar.
He looks asking at Sonic who hadn't stop looking at him. Waiting to hear his questions.
Silver inhales deeply.
"Please-... Be honest..." he starts saying and causes Sonic's ears to perk up.
Sonic exhales slowly. Then he nods.
Silver gives him a short smile.
"Are you happy with Mephiles?... Is he treating you well?" He squirms.
Sonic raises an eyebrow.
The dark furred hedgehog starts eyeing Silver. Trying to figure out, if he is planning to attack Mephiles.
"I-... I'm very happy here..." Sonic clears the throat. Feeling a slightly anxious. Afraid Silver would take Mephiles away from him.
"I love Mephiles... And he is very sweet to me..." he adds.
Silver nods slowly.
"And Amy?"
Sonic tilts the head.
"What about her?" He asks with a hint of annoyance in the voice.
Silver shrugs.
"She was your girlfriend-... Don't you want to get back to her?"
Dark Sonic stares unfriendly at him.
"No I don't..." he mutters.
"It was a mistake to even start dating her... I don't even like her anymore..." he adds coldly.
While Silver nods, Sonic crosses the arms.
"Do you have any more questions? Or you are finished?" Sonic scoffs.
Silver let's out a surprised gasp. He has never seen this version of Sonic. There are two versions, he is familiar with, the cocky hero, and his warm grandma.
The unfriendly version is new.
Silver furrows the eyebrows a little, then he inhales and smiles at Sonic.
"So- ... If I'm giving you two options... The first would be, you stay here with your family... While the second would be, I'm taking you and p-shade with me, back to your time... Which would you choose?" He asks curiously.
Sonic parts the lips for a few seconds.
Then he grins.
"I would stay here... And I think you should go now..."
Silver nods and was about to stand up, when Shade shakes his arm to get his attention.
"Hm?" Silver looks asking at the hedgehog boy.
Shade smiles.
"What's your name?"
Silver smiles.
"You will find out, when you are bigger..." he answers mysterious and stands up, where he starts walking toward the front door.
"Eh?" Shade tilts the head.

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