Family Tree Thing

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This first bit is for biological children only

Rome ----> Spanish Empire, French Empire, North Italy, South Italy

Spanish Empire ----> Spain, America, Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Belize, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, The Philippines, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Bolivia, Argentina.

French Empire ----> Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, France, Australia, New Zealand

North + South Italy ----> Kingdom of Italy ----> Fascist Italy ----> modern Italy

Britain ----> Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada

America <---- Britain/Spanish Empire

Canada <---- Sweden/Finland/Britain

For the Germans: 

Holy Rome ----> Prussia, Switzerland, German unification

Prussia/Austrian Empire ----> German Empire + Reichtangle (twins) 

German Empire ----> Weimar Republic + Nazi Germany(Third Reich)

Third Reich ----> East Germany, West Germany

Austrian Empire + Hungarian Empire ----> Austrian Hungarian Empire ----> Modern Austria + Modern Hungary

Austrian Empire ----> Liechtenstein

For the Russian's or something

Tsardom of Russia ----> Russian Empire/America ----> Soviet Union + Russian America(to be clear, Russian America died when he became part of the U.S.A.)

Soviet Union ----> Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, East Germany, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmenistan

(Yes, I'm aware I included Rusame in one of the earlier chapters if you look closely. That was before I started making things really accurate on age and history, so now Soviet is the child of Russian Empire and America. 

Reasons for this include that the Russian Empire formed closer to America's age, which could be any time during the colonization of America. In my AU, he was officially born in 1733, after the colony of Georgia was formed, only 12 years after the Russian Empire. Think of this as Ancient Rusame.)

Sooo... I haven't done much research on the Asian continent, as I wasn't going to bring them up until the later chapters, same with the African countries, so I'll make a separate part for them later in the book. 

For the Adopted Children: 

French Empire ----> America, Canada

Britain ----> Belize, Jamaica(Formerly)

Spanish Empire ----> South Italy(temporarily)

Austrian Empire ----> North Italy

Soviet Union ----> East Germany

America ----> Cuba(formerly), Philippines(formerly)

Prussia ----> East and West Germany(unofficially), Third Reich + Weimar(Unofficially)

Prussia is the ultimate babysitter

So here are some small details that don't really fit into any category: 

I may not have the Asian family tree, but I do know the Qing Dynasty(Qing China) is a father-figure for them all. 

Romantic Relationships(Won't really be relevant to the story, but better to go and tell you what the ships are instead of letting you guess)

Russian Empire x America

West Germany x Italy

Third Reich x Fascist Italy

Britain x French Empire

England x Spain(Modern Spain)

And that's about it. Sorry there aren't many ships, but this isn't really a romance story, so eh.

If there's anything that is not understood so far, please let me know, and I'll try my best to explain it.

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