Chapter 11

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Britain POV: 

I let out a long sigh, finally exiting the city of Paris. It was where the train had stopped at, and we had no idea if it would actually go anywhere else in France, so we sucked it up. On the bright side though, Scotland had managed to snag a map of the country. 

According to him, it would take nearly 4 days to get to the town we needed to be in, by foot. There was no train to Eguisheim from Paris, unfortunately, so foot was the only way we could travel. 

"Dad, can you put me down now?" Northern Ireland asked. She had latched onto me a few hours ago, so I had just picked her up. I took her off my back, and she immediately ran to where England was muttering to himself, likely talking to his fairy friends. 
His eyes were slightly glazed over, which wasn't a good sign. But he was moving and speaking like normal, so I ignored it. 

Catching Scotland's eye, it seems he noticed the same thing, because he was watching the younger country with a slightly worried look. 
"So four days of travel if we follow the map correctly?" Ireland asked suddenly. 
"Yeah, and even longer if we happen to stop for sleep," Scotland replied, looking over the map. "It's a good thing we stocked up on food. Since the police will be on high alert, we can't risk going into town." 
I nodded in agreement, it would simply be too risky. "Yes, we should avoid humans at all costs, if only for extra caution. We don't want to risk getting caught and getting sent back to the UK and Ireland." 
My gaze was drawn back to England as he swatted at the air, but Wales caught his hand and dragged it down again, whispering into his ear. 
"England, are you alright?" I finally asked, drawing his attention to me. 

He nodded quickly. "Y-yeah... I'm fine." 
I didn't believe him, but nodded anyway. "If you say so..." 

I lifted my gaze onto the woods in front of us. This was going to be a long journey. 


Third person POV: 


Said country looked up when his name was called. He'd been tending to Latvia's cut and wings. Nobody wanted anything to get infected, after all. 
"Coming!" Russia replied loudly, and set his stuff down. 

Soviet had been cutting wood for the last couple of hours. They'd planned to use it to make fires, to cook and for warmth. When Russia came out of the house, Soviet was holding a couple of wooden chunks. 
"Carry some of this inside," Soviet ordered. "And then grab some meat. We should start cooking." 
"Which kind?" 
"Any kind, just grab enough to feed us all." 


Lithuania huffed, sitting down on the old couch in the living room. It practically spat dust back out at him, causing the small country to wave his arms in the air, trying to blow it all away. 
His movements disturbed Latvia from his sleep, who looked up. 
"Liet, please..." 
"Eep!" Lithuania squeaked, the quiet voice surprising him from his focused state. "Sorry..." 
"It's fine... what're you doing, anyway?" 

"Oh... uh, well, Papa said that we couldn't go play in uh... snow, so I came in here," Lithuania replied. "That's so unfair." 
"Aren't you still sick, Liet?" Lithuania jumped as a familiar yellow and blue hand landed on his shoulder.

"No, Ukraine! I'm perfectly fine-" Lithuania cut himself off with a sneeze. 
"Yeah, perfectly fine." The sarcasm in his older brother's voice was evident, causing Lithuania to scowl. 
"I am fine!" Lithuania insisted. "It's just a sneeze." 
Ukraine snickered at his little brother's stubbornness. Then an idea popped into his head. 
"You know, even if you're not sick, you shouldn't go outside," he said. 
"huh?" Lithuania looked confused. "Why?" 
"Well, just think of all of the hungry wolves! If Russia and Papa aren't there to protect you, then who knows what might happen?" Ukraine laughed out loud at the immediate fear on Lithuania's face. 

"The wolves?!" 
"Yes the wolves! Russia even told me stories, about how he saw someone attacked by them!" 


"Yes, attacked! It was bloody and he even said the man's hand was torn-" 

Said country yelped when a sharp slap to the back of his neck caused him to flinch. "OW!" 
"What are you doing?!" It was Belarus. "You can't scare them like that! They'll be too scared to hunt properly now!" 

"Oh come on, it's just a spooky story!" Ukraine replied. "No big deal." 
"No big deal, and yet Lithuania's eyes are wide as saucers!" Belarus snapped. "Liet, the wolves won't attack you unless you provoke them." 
"No. Buts. Ukraine's just trying to scare you into not going outside anymore. The ass." 

Ukraine sighed, and sulked out of the room, holding his neck. Lithuania pulled his legs to his chest, trying to forget about the idea that a wolf might barge into the cabin and attack them. 
He looked back over at Latvia, who was trying to fall back asleep. More than likely to ignore the pain in his back. 

"Hey, Liet?" 

Lithuania looked up as Estonia and Georgia entered the room. 

"Papa says dinner's ready. Tell Latvia if he's up." 

Lithuania looked down at Latvia. "Think you can stand, or should I bring you some?" 
"I can probably stand." 

Latvia forced himself into a sitting position, wincing as the movement pulled on the wound. "I want to stretch my wings..." 
"You can't." 
"I know that! Doesn't mean I can't complain about it though." 

Lithuania helped Latvia onto his feet, and helped him towards the dining room. Latvia had yet to gain most of his strength back, and still struggled to walk. 

"Ah, look who's awake!" Kyrgyzstan said, rubbing Latvia on the head. "Papa says we'll eat good tonight, so it's great that you're awake." 

Latvia only nodded as Lithuania and Estonia helped him into a chair. Russia almost immediately set a plate of cooked meat in front of him. 
"Eat up, you need the food the most, other than Dedushka." (Everything I've looked at says that means Grandpa)

Latvia stared at the meat. It was different from what they had back at that place the government owned. He didn't know what to call that place, but he'd heard Russia call it an "asylum". 

Guess he'll call it that too. 

Latvia took his first bite and was overwhelmed with flavors. It was delicious, especially compared to all the other food he's ever had. 

This is the first time he's been awake to eat warm cooked food, so it was amazing! 

He was well into his plate when he heard the door to the cabin open and slam closed. Papa walked in, but he looked aggravated. 
"Everyone sit down, we have something to discuss." 
Everyone in the room followed his orders, knowing better than to disobey. 
"What is it, Papa?" Belarus asked. 

"We have some company." 

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