i think i love someone

42 2 10

you remind me of midnight
the silence of the world
meeting the slow melodies of my playlist
I'm tired
the kind of tired where you don't want to fall asleep yet
but your eyes ache and your mind is foggy
I don't know if I would call it lovesick
the image of you isn't so passionate it's dizzy
it's like home
but the walls are different colors
and the corners are darker than I remember
things are familiar enough that I'm relaxed
but the differences are apparent enough
to where I wanna know what lies in those dark corners
you are a nice kind of beautiful
not too much to where its overbearing
but a softness
one that you can only find in your favorite movie
I don't know how to end this
there are too many things that I want to say
but my mind hurts from trying to sort them
because when I'm faced with you
my ability to put words to feelings and thoughts

ramblings of a blurry-eyed girlWhere stories live. Discover now