tummy aches

25 0 0

i am scared.

of being a bad person.

a liar.

it's easier to tell yourself that you are good,

that the mistakes you make are human

and you are trying your hardest and that's all that matters.


I find that it is much easier to be bad.

to just be a bad person

is so simple.

to not care about others,

to ignore those who care about you,

because it is easier

than being faced with the fact,

that they are scared

of you.

they never know your next move.

if you'll cuddle up to them

or if you won't contact them for a month straight.

why is being selfish so easy?

i would say that I try my hardest to be good, 

but I don't.

i don't try at all.

i am running on semi-consciousness.

on one half,

I am just going through the motions

the other,

I am a self-pitying




so good to say that.

i am so scared

of myself.

who even am I?

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