funny how dreams go

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people, i find

are magnetic.

who they attract though,

is up to the universe,

or whatever 

'almighty power'

you believe in.

someone i know

and love very dearly,

attracts the moon

and controls the tides.

in the same way

that i attract the clouds

and the storms that come with it.

where she calms down the shaking cries of the night,

i am the cause of them.

where she is a reminder, that no matter what

it'll be okay.

i am the reason it is being questioned.

when you hear about lovers that fit all to well together,

like puzzle-pieces,

made to fit, a two-packaged deal,

you think about the sun and moon

ice and fire,

summer and winter,

spring and fall.

but, never the moon and the storm.

i am thunder and lightning,

i am the rain and shade.

she is starshine and moondust

although the moon is lit by the sun,

i will never shine without her.

ramblings of a blurry-eyed girlWhere stories live. Discover now