Chapter 7

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You must be so charming. That's what you concluded about yourself. You actually got a part-time job at the flower shop! You didn't have what was called a resume but apparently, Ms Wang loved how cute and friendly you were so you got the job! Yay! To celebrate, you're going to make some fish for dinner and then later figure out what a resume was.

At the grocery store, you went to the fish section. Now, in the ocean, your fish was always fresh but in the store, it just wasn't that good. As you contemplated on which type of seafood to buy, you heard someone call your name. It's weird you only know three people. Confused, you turned around and saw Jimin. Oh! "Hello Jimin!" You greeted him.

Jimin came over to you and glanced at the display of seafood. "Are you shopping for dinner?"

"Yep! It's to celebrate that I got a job!" You said happily.

Jimin's eyes widened a bit. "Oh really? That's amazing! Congratulations!"

You laughed. "Thank you! I hope it's really fun." You commented.

Jimin's eyebrows went up in surprise. "You might be the first person that said you hope your job is really fun." He chuckled.

You blinked, processing the information. Huh, most people must not like having a job. "Ah, I didn't know that." You finally said. "Oh, how's your um..." You almost forgot the word but it quickly came back into your mind. "Debate club going?"

"Oh, we're doing okay so far!" Jimin smiled, making his eyes also smile. "I managed to get two new members! So, where did you get a job?"

"At the flower shop owned by Ms Wang. She's really nice!" You happily said, remembering how she kept coddling you saying you somewhat remind her of her daughter.

"What? Ms Wang? The one who owns the shop where Hoseok works?" Jimin's eyes widened in surprise, not believing your words. You nodded in response while Jimin seemed to have a miracle moment. "She was nice?! She's basically mean to everyone except sometimes Hoseok!"

Mean? You thought back to the kind old woman. "Well, she was really nice with me." You said, trying to picture her being mean.

"You must be special." Jimin concluded. You laughed awkwardly - you kind of were. Thankfully, Jimin didn't notice as he seemed to remember something. "Ah I forgot the meeting! See you later!" Then he took off. You blinked as he did take off fast like a fish swimming away from you. Well, time to pick which fish to eat for dinner.

You happily walked towards the flower shop with excitement. There you were greeted with a Ms Wang scolding a Hoseok who knocked over a... holder for flowers. Ugh, you don't remember the word for it. "Good morning everyone!" You happily said, trying to lessen the atmosphere a bit.

Hoseok sent you a quick smile picking up the holder as Ms Wang turned her attention to you. "Oh, Y/N! Glad to see you here!" She smiled and gestured to you to go into the shop. "Please follow me dear." Hoseok looked a little shook that she was friendly with you.

Excitedly, you did so and soaked in all the information about your job. Handing you an apron, you slipped it on without a mistake. (Yeah, you took notice of how they wore it so you didn't look like a fool already!) Then with a wave, she left the shop for today.

Hoseok had now come in after cleaning up the mess. "Did you put a spell on Ms Wang?" He teased but sadly, you weren't that well versed in teasing or sarcasm.

"Spell?" Your eyes widened a bit. He didn't figure out that I'm a mermaid already?! I mean I can't do memory spells sometimes! They get messed up half of the time!

"I'm just kidding." He smiled and then it clicked with you. Oh it was a joke! Ahh, I was about to have a heart.... Ambush? What was the word? "I'll help you out with anything so just tell me, okay?"

"I will!" You admitted since you probably will. For the rest of the day, you helped Hoseok with the jobs of stocking flowers, cleaning out the water, putting fresh water in and making sure everything was nice and neat. You never had a job before but you really liked it so far. That is until Hoseok went into the back to handle a shipping order that came in and you were left alone in the front with a customer. And here is where you stumbled.

What's the price again? You gently took the premade bouquet of flowers from the customer and checked the price tag. Thankfully it was on there and now here comes your obstacle. How did the cashier work again? There were a lot of digital buttons on the screen and you hesitated. This was not going well. What do you do again? Then your hero came back and smiled. "Here, I'll take over." You gratefully let Hoseok take your place as he pressed one of the buttons, the customer swiped a small looking rectangle? What's that? And then left.

"Sorry." You apologized. "I wasn't sure which one."

"That's okay. That was our first sale of the day, so I don't blame you." Hoseok reassured you and you felt a little bit better. For the rest of the day, you got more accustomed to the job, only making a few mistakes here and there but all in the end it was worth it! You talked more with Hoseok with simple conversation topics like interests (which you kind of made up and you panicked saying rock climbing when you passed by a gym the other day that had one), friends, family and topics like that. It also may have slightly hurt you when Hoseok said he didn't like swimming. Ouch. And that was the day you learned that Jung Hoseok did not like swimming and that he was afraid of the ocean.

Two weeks have passed since you started working at the flower shop and you can say that it's been great. You've gotten used to stocking flowers, filling up the vases and working the cashier. You just weren't ready to make the... bunch of flowers? Ugh, you forgot the word again. Plus, this time around you learned some new things.

You looked at the small block thing that was in Hoseok's hand. It emitted a small, bright light and he seemed to be controlling it. It followed his every command of tapping and swiping. The thing fascinated you and you weren't sure what it was. You just didn't want to ask Hoseok outright since you slowly started to notice that other people had these light blocks as well. You must have been staring too long since Hoseok caught you.

"You okay there?" He genuinely asked.

"Oh, I'm fine!" You quickly said. "Was just dreaming!"

He chuckled a bit. "Don't you mean daydreaming?"

Was it really that? You just nodded, smiling. In this new world, sometimes you kinda felt stupid.

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