Hood's Off

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The words struck out from both the Hood clan and the Wolf clan like thrown stones.

You felt sick. Banishment was the most severe punishment in all of Ever After. Banishment meant Cerise could never again go home to Hood Hollow.

Her family could live elsewhere, but all fairytale characters were magically tied to their setting. You just didn’t feel right about this whole thing.

Losing home forever? It was painful Even beneath Maddie’s constant amusement and merriment ran a quiet sadness that she was lost from her setting, unable to go home to Wonderland.

Red: No, no, no!

Red tried to plea to the masses, but no one listened. You and Cerise stood side by side ontop of the boarded up well, ready for what was to come. You did your best to try and protect Cerise from the flying stones, but one did hit you in the head, causing you to bleed.

Cerise: Y/N!

You waved off her concern.

Y/N: I'm alright. This is nothing. I'm more worried about the whole banishment thing.

???: No! Banishment must be a unanimous vote, and as a member of the Hood clan, I will never vote for it!

An old woman in a long nightgown, lacy nightcap, and spectacles raised her wrinkled hand. The crowds quieted for whom you guessed could only be Grandma. The Grandma.

She smiled sadly to Cerise.

Grandma: It’s true enough, what Red says. And I don’t like the thought of banishing a member of my own family. But no denying this is serious business. The Evil Queen went off script—and look what happened there.

As one, the entire Hood and Wolf clans shuddered.

Grandma: No, sir and ma’am, no good comes from going off script. This isn’t Cerise’s fault, but the laws are clear. She is the result of her parents’ abandoning their destiny, and if the people vote her out, she cannot remain.

Red: But....

Grandma raised her hand again.

Grandma: But banishment is also serious business. What do you say, Cried Wolf?

She turned to the wolf-were.

Grandma: How about we settle the dispute with a good old-fashioned Basket Run trial?

The Cried Wolf growled, but nodded.

Cried Wolf: The winner will decide Cerise’s fate.

Y/N: A basket what?

What the heck was a basket trial?

Grandma: All right, people and canines, you know the rules. We start at the village, go down the forest path, and end at my house. The first Hood to cross the finish vine still holding a basket wins. If no basketed Hood manages to finish, then whichever Wolf snatches the most baskets wins. The winner decides the fate of our young Cerise.

Grandma looked at Cerise and clucked, shaking her head.

Grandma: Doesn’t seem right to banish one so young, but there are laws to uphold.

She said it as if Cerise’s fate were already determined, and you supposed it was. Looking over the scowling faces, you had no doubt that whoever won, Hood or Wolf, would vote to banish Cerise.

Unless Red won the race. The odds weren’t in her favor, though, there were a dozen Wolfs and a hundred other Hoods.

All you could do was sit on the sidelines and watch. You looked to your friend and saw how nervous she was. Gently, you held her hand and gave an encouraging smile.

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