What Is Even Happening Any More?

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You all were scrambling around the Grove, searching for the book, but Cedar could only wander, her mind spinning and tumbling about with the thought: I lied!

Apparently, when the Jabberwock’s magic triggered her deep-rooted transformation into a real girl, it also undid that thorny honesty curse. She was free! She didn’t have to blurt and blab. She could choose her own words—she could choose her own life!

Cedar knelt down, relishing the press of the grass against her knees, the tickle of a dangling flower on her ankle. She leaned over to look for the book under a bush of white roses dripping red paint, when a thought caught inside her like a fish on a sharp hook.

If her honesty curse was undone, was her “caring” and “kindness” curse undone, too?

Cedar straightened up and let her feelings probe her fast-beating heart. No more lies. Now she would have to discover the truth. Who was she really, beneath the wooden body and cursed-to-care-ness? Without the Blue-Haired Fairy’s magic, was she still the girl who would do anything for her friends?

Or, when faced with danger, would she and her tender body run away?

Cedar looked up and found Maddie looking back. Maddie, as the Narrator, knew Cedar’s thoughts. She smiled encouragingly. Cedar nodded, but her heart still beat in rapid, shallow gasps. No more lies, not even to myself. So who am I?

Y/N: Come on, come on! Where is it?!

You scoured the Grove three times over. Cedar checked her pockets, even though they weren’t big enough to hold a book. Yet another truth fell on her, heavy as a stone—they might have to go back into that Jabberwock-infested school to find the book. The search could take forever! Lost things were always in the last place you looked.

Maddie: That’s so true, Cedar! You always find things the last place you look, so let’s skip the middle part and just look in the last place.

Lizzie: You make perfect sense, Hatworm.

Maddie: Okay, let’s all decide we’re done looking after the next place.

Lizzie shut her eyes.

Lizzie: I am done.

Kitty: So done.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. I'm done.

Cedar: Done!

Wonderland logic could be fun.

Maddie got a serious look on her face. Well, she couldn’t see her own face, but it felt impressively serious. She put out her hands and let them lead her to the Last Place. She crouched down by Cedar, unlaced Cedar’s left boot, pulled it off, and removed the book.

Cedar: Whoa! I’m feeling everything today. You’d think I could feel a book in my boot.

She opened the letter and read:

We were overjoyed to receive your letter! You are beamishly correct, of course. The only way to defeat the Jabberwock is with the vorpal sword, which is thrust in the left-most bole of the fourth wabe of Tumtum trees. Alas, I cannot send it to you with words. I consulted with an owl, who informed me that with just the right picture, meticulously painted in fluxberry shades, you might be able to pluck it out of Wonderland, though such has never been done. Good luck!

Lizzie threw a handy hedgehog at Cedar.

Lizzie: Paint.

Cedar: The letter said the sword is in Wonderland.…

Lizzie: So what are you waiting for?

Lizzie made shooing motions with her hands.

Lizzie: Go do art!

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