Chap 1

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A/N: okay, so this is going to start off with where In A Dream kinda left off. Please enjoy the sequel to In A Dream. Xoxo ~Alexis

Alexis' POV
"We should head back to the party before people start wondering where we are," I smiled. I pulled Blake along behind me. We got back to the party. I saw my dad. "My father made it." I smiled. "Dad!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm glad you're here."
"I'm glad to be here, baby girl," Dad replied hugging me. "Who's the lucky guy who stole my daughter's heart?"
I turn to my left and Blake was standing right there. "I guess he followed me," I smiled. Blake smiled and put his arm around me. "Dad, this is Blake English, your son-in-law. Blake, this is my dad, your father-in-law. He goes by Peter or Pete."
"Nice to meet you, sir," Blake responded, holding out his hand.
"Blake, you look like a fine young man," Dad replied. Dad looked at his hand but didn't shake. "You can call me Dad and we don't shake hands if we are family. We hug."
"I love your dad's side of the family already," Blake chuckled hugging Dad. "I'm very glad to have met you on the day of our wedding. Makes the day so much more memorable."
"Uhm, I saw your mother with that guy on the other side of the field," Dad replied.
"You're keeping your distance," I nodded, understanding he didn't want to start anything. "But she's still my mother and has the right to meet my husband."
"It was nice seeing you, Dad," Blake smiled.
I giggled as I pulled him to my mother. "Mom," I smiled. She turned around. "Hi!"
"Alexis," Mom said hugging me. "I haven't seen you since you were fourteen years old."
"Mom, I'm 23 now," I smiled. I looked at Tom, my step dad. "It's finally nice to meet you, Tom." I shook his hand. "I'm glad you were able to make it."
"I know," Mom smiled. "Who's the lucky guy?"
"Mom, Blake English," I smiled as I held onto his left arm. "Blake, this is my mom, Kristina Kenderdine, and my step dad, Tom Kenderdine." They shook hands. "Very different from my dad's side."
"Was he crabby?" Mom asked.
"No, we hugged," Blake replied. Abby ran over to us. "Abs, what's going on?"
"Mom and Dad has the photograber here," Abby smiled. "Come on."
"We'll be back, hopefully," I smiled as Abby grabbed both my wrist and Blake's and pulled us along. We got to a beautiful scenery with a waterfall in the back. "This is a gorgeous view."
"I thought so," Abby smiled. The photographer walked up to us. "Guys, this is ---"
"Chad Future!" I said, shocked. "Or do you go by, David Lehre?"
"With a camera, I'm David," he replied. "Alexis, right?" I nodded. "Damn, Abby! If you would've told me your brother was marrying one of my time travelers, we wouldn't have had that long discussion on taking wedding pictures with you and your parents."
"You're a time traveler?" Blake asked looking at me.
"Yeah, I tried for months trying to get him to come to Fort Smith so I can meet him," I sighed. "Unfortunately, that didn't happen and this is how we meet."
Blake's parents walked up to us. "Mom, Dad," Blake said hugging his parents. "Alexis, this is Brent and Wendy English."
"Please call us Mom and Dad," Momma Wendy responded. "Just no first name or formalities. I think we are all past that." I smiled and nodded. "Welcome to the family, sweetheart."
"Thank you," I said as we hugged. It just didn't feel right calling her Mom just yet. " I love the family already. "
"Let's get the family wedding pictures started," David replied. We finished taking pictures for what seemed like hours but it was only 30 minutes. "Alright, give me a week and these will be hand delivered if you live in LA."
"That is my new address," I smiled. "Thank you soo much, David." We hugged each other. "We should get together one day and hit the studio."
"Is your husband going to be fine with that?" David asked.
"Yeah, she works with Drew all the time," Blake shrugged. "We both know how he is."
"Wait, you can songwrite?" David asked.
"And sing," Blake smiled. "Her and Drew writes most of our songs together."
"Okay," David nodded. "I am actually working in the studio this weekend on a song by Tae Yang. Do you know who Tae Yang is?"
"One of the members in kpop boy band Big Bang," I smiled. "Which song?"
"I'm recording I Need A Girl and we're working on choreography this weekend," David nodded. "So, you can meet me at the studio or give me a call and I can pick you up."
"I think Blake would want to watch us rehearse so he can drive me," I smiled. "But I was hoping to do a little vocal recording but being in the cover MV is good for me."
"Alright," David nodded. "I'm not going to keep you from your party any longer. See you in a week."
I smiled as David walked away. "Yay," I spun around. "I'm going to be in a music video."
"I'll be there to support you every step of the way," Blake smiled. We rejoined the party until we knew every single person left except for family. We said our goodbyes to them and watched them as they left. "So..." He wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Wanna go home now?"
I giggled as he placed light kisses on my neck. "Blake," I whined. I turned around in his arms to face him. We touched foreheads. "I'm now known as Mrs. Blake English." I gave him a peck on the lips. "And I changed all my social media names to Alexis_English."

Blake's POV
"I'm glad to have you by my side," I smiled. "Come on, let's go to that honeymoon suite we chose."
"Yeah," she giggled and nodded. I opened the passenger door for her and she got in. I got in the car and started driving. "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled.
Her phone rang and she looked at it. "Its Drew," she replied, confused. She picked up, "Hello?" She looked out the window. "WHAT?! No! Okay, this is seriously horrible. We'll be home in a few." She hung up and looked at me. "Apparently there is an angry mob of fangirls AND paparazzi outside of the building where our honeymoon suite is. Turn the car around. We are going home!"
"Who leaked our location?" I asked. "We only knew and the guys knew." We got home and I closed the door as I carried her through the front door. "Thanks for the wake up call."
"I want going to let my best friends get killed," Drew said as he turned on the TV. "People hate you."
"Apparently Blake English from After Romeo had just gotten married to Alexis Inthavong, who used to be a fangirl turned backup guitarist, to vocalist, to...well...his wife," announced the news lady. "Most of the fandom is waiting for them to arrive along with paparazzi ---"
Alexis turned the TV off. "Well, they're going to be surprised that we won't be there any time soon," Alexis sighed as she sat on the couch. "Can I just sleep here?"
"You can," I sighed. "But you might wanna get out of that gown, so, I'm taking her to our room." I smirked as Alexis whined and grabbed my hand. "We will resolve the situation tomorrow."
"Urgh," Alexis sighed as we made it to our bedroom. "Why so many steps?"
"I could've carried you," I smiled as I tackled her up the bed. She giggled. "Your giggle is cute!"
"Blake," she giggled again. "The guys are downstairs."
"Then we will try to be very quiet," I smirked.

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