Chap 2

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Alexis' POV
I woke up the next day and Blake was still asleep. I smiled at him as I grabbed my silk robe out from the drawer in my nightstand and put it on. I grabbed my phone and put it in the robe pocket. I walked downstairs and made my way to the kitchen. Jayk was there. "Hey Jayk," I smiled as he turned around. I made me a glass of water. Jayk just looked at me. "What?"
"You guys sure are loud," Jayk smirked.
"Shut up," I blushed as I picked a grape from the fruit bowl and threw it at Jayk. "It's not our fault the honeymoon location was leaked." I saw my song book on the island. "Who had my music last night?"
"I don't know," Jayk said. I tried to grab it before Jayk did but I was to far from it. "Let's take a look."
"Go ahead," I sighed. "Most of them are free write lyrics that haven't been put to music yet." I look at Jayk as I drank my water. "I just do it in my spare time."
"I like this one. It's sad but I like it," Jayk nodded. "True Love... When did you write this song?"
"When I ran away," I sighed. "But it's a personal experience."
A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and I knew immediately it was Blake. "I woke up and you weren't in bed," he whispered in my ear.
"Well, I woke up and you were asleep," I smiled.
"Is it okay if I borrow this and put it to music?" Jayk asked holding up my book.
"Yeah, go ahead," I nodded. Jayk left the kitchen as I put my glass down. I turned around and hugged Blake. "I think the house heard us last night."
Blake chuckled as I buried my head into his bare chest. "Well, it wasn't our fault," he replied.
I heard someone walk in but I just kept my arms around Blake and my face on his chest. "You two love birds are up early," I heard Drew say. I let go of Blake and looked at him. "Thought you'd be sleeping in."
"Work to do, things to get done," I replied as my phone rang. "Told ya!" I grabbed my phone and looked at it. I picked up. "Is it David or Chad today?"
"Chad," he replied. "Do you think you can come today? The choreographer won't make it next Saturday and he will through the week." I looked at Blake. "We are going to be filming Saturday."
"Do we have to do today?" I asked. "It's Sunday."
"It's work," Chad replied.
"Okay," I sighed. "I'll be there in an hour." I hung up and looked at Blake. "Chad needs me today instead because we are filming Saturday."
"Alright," Blake smiled. "Let's get you ready for rehearsal."
"Yeah, I can do that myself because I told Chad an hour," I stated looking at him. "Knowing you, we would be late." I ran up to the room and took a shower. I got dressed in black yoga pants, a light blue sports bra, and a light blue workout jacket. I slipped on my black jazz shoes as I sat on the bed. "Blake, are you ready?" I tied up my hair into a pony tail as Blake walked in from the bathroom. "We gotta get going."
"I'm ready," Blake said as he pulled on his leather jacket and grabbed the car keys. "Let's go." We got to the studio and walked inside. "Hey."
"Chad," I said as we hugged. "I'm here."
"Alexis," Chad smiled. "This is---"
"G-Dragon," I smiled. "Unless you prefer GD..."
"GD would be fine," GD replied. "I take it your going to fangirl?"
"You wish," Blake signed. "This is professional work. I think her fangirl phase is done."
"It is," I smiled.
"Okay, well GD is going to do the rap in the song so you are going to be doing the dance Dara does," Chad replied. "We are recreating the video. So you will be learning a lot."
"By the way, if you haven't noticed, I'm like ten inches shorter than you," I observed. "So if you are going to need me to dance, I would advise you that I do not dance in anything over six inches because if I do I will break my ankle."
"I will let my wardrobe person know," Chad said.
"Let's get to work then," I sighed.

Blake's POV
"You guys do that," I smiled as I sat against the wall. I took picture of Alexis, Chad, and GD. "That's going on Instagram."
blakeisenglish: make sure to check out my wife @alexis_english in @chadfuture next music video guest starring @xxxibgdrgn don't miss out
"Blake, did you just say Instagram?" Alexis asked as she looked at me.
"Maybe," I smiled. I watched them for hours. "You sure you're not tired?"
"Yeah," Alexis stated. By this time, she already had her jacket off. "I'm an athlete for a reason."
"And she has the ---" Chad put his hand over GD's mouth before he could finish.
"Ignore him," Chad sighed.
"What about my wedding ring?" Alexis asked.
"Yeah, she has a band on that finger now," I smiled. "She's all mine."
"Oh..." GD dragged out when Chad removed his hand from his mouth.
"I am going to talk to wardrobe about letting you wear those lace hand gloves or something," Chad sighed. "I keep forgetting about your ring. By the way, how much the engagement ring cost you, Blake?"
"Two thousand," I smiled.
"You bought her a two thousand dollar engagement ring?" Chad asked as she sat down next to me.
"Yeah," I sighed as I put my arm around her. She leaned into me. "She's worth it."
"I got it," Jayk said running in.
"We are in the middle of rehearsing," Alexis stated.
"We are done for the day," Chad smiled. "Just make sure to keep practicing till we shoot the video."
"Got it," Alexis said as I got up. I helped her up and grabbed her jacket. "Jayk, what couldn't wait since you had to bring it all the way to the studio?"
"You're song," Jayk smiled. "Todd and I finished and we want you to sing it at our concert this Saturday."
"This Saturday?" Alexis asked. "What time?"
"She had to film the music video with Chad," I stated.
"Oh, we film from 9-10am," Chad smiled. "Don't worry about it."
"Easy for you to say," Alexis sighed. "This is my first time doing this and my first time onstage as Mrs. Alexis English."
"And you finally get to meet my girlfriend Saturday," Jayk smiled.
"Girlfriend?" Alexis asked. "When did this happen?"
"About a year ago," Jayk slowly stated.
"Did you know about this?" Alexis asked me.
"Yeah but I thought Jayk would've hold you considering you are his little sister," I added.
"Big brother didn't tell me anything," Alexis sighed. She put on her jacket. "Let's go rehearse and record my song."
"Why don't you take a break?" I asked as we walked to the recording studio. "You've earned it from those hours of dancing."
"Fine," Alexis nodded as we sat on the couch next to Todd. "But I will rehearse the song a couple times."
I listened to Alexis sing as Todd played his guitar. After about the sixth time, she looked at me. "You still sound the same from three years ago," I smiled. She gave me a peck on the lips. "Oh, by the way, TC is our fashion coordinator so he will be the one giving you your outfit Friday morning."
"This ought to be good," Alexis sighed.
"He's actually really good at it," I smiled. "Just don't worry about it and everything will be alright." I hugged Alexis. "He's good at what he does."

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