Chap 8

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Alexis' POV
Wednesday came pretty fast. My phone started ringing at four am. I picked up. "English," I answered.
"Get dressed," Captain Donner stated. "Pointers is meeting you at the scene." I sighed. "I'll text you the address."
"Yes sir," I sighed as I hung up. I turned on my lamp and sat. Blake was squitting but I could tell he was looking at me. "Hey."
"What's going on?" Blake asked.
"I was called in for work," I sighed. "I gotta go."
"What about Annabelle's car?" he asked.
"Have Drew drop you of at the lot to pick it up and I'll meet you at the front of the school," I sighed. I got dressed in black slacks, black tennis shoes, a light purple button up, and a black blazer. I clipped my gun and badge to my pants. I'll see you later today. " I gave Blake a kiss and left the house in my SLS Mercedes. I went to the location of the crime scene. I showed my badge and walked up to Emil Pointers. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Poor girl was found hog tied, beaten, raped, and her mouth super-glued shut," Emil stated. "Luckily we found photos of his other victims that didn't survive."
"And the bad news?" I asked.
"Not a single print," Emil sighed. "Perp used gloves."
"What's the status?" I asked.
"Lisa Whitaker, 24," Emil answered. "She would've died if her neighbor wasn't banging on the door. He busted in and the perp took off through the window."
"This day went from bad to worst on a minute," I sighed. We went back to the precinct to do more research. "Nothing."
"Hey, Alex," Emil stated. "What do you mean by this day went from bad to worst in a minute?"
"Well, I was suppose to have half a day of today because I has to go pick up Annabelle's car," I sighed. "But I'm meeting her father at the school so it's fine. Still wish I was the one to pick up her car though."
"How old is Annabelle going to be now?" Emil asked.
"Sixteen on Friday and her party's Saturday," I sighed.
"Sixteen already?" Emil asked. "Wow! Last I seen her she was only ten." I showed Emil her professional photo she took at the beginning of her junior year. "She's gorgeous like her mother."
"Well, I don't hear that everyday," I sighed. "She always gets her pictures professionally taken the first day of school and last day of school."
We researched until it was about two thirty. "Go home," Captain Donner walked out of his office. "You've been working for ten hours straight."
Arely walked in with Ellie and Bryant. "Arely, what's going on?" I asked.
"Blake asked me to pick them up from school and they wanted to see Mommy," Arely sighed. "So much for that, right?"
"Well, I'm about to leave," I replied. "Could you take them home?" I looked at Ellie. "Take Ellie to the studio. She's supposed to be meet Jayk and work on the song."
"Mommy, do I have to?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah, it's for your sister's birthday," I nodded. "Arely, can you please do that for me?"
"Yeah," Arely responded.
"Thanks," I smiled as they left. "Now I gotta meet Blake at the school." I left the precinct and drove all the way up to the school. I parked behind the car Blake was standing next to. "Nice Blake. You park right in front of the school."
"I wanna see her reaction," Blake smiled as he held up the keys. I took them from him. "You had to get her car imported?"
"Yeah, sorry but this is the car she wanted," I shrugged. "Plus, you were the one that wanted to spoil her."
"Drew was the one that taught her about cars," Blake pointed out.
The bell rang and people stopped when they saw the car. "I gotta get home people," Annabelle said as she got to the front of the crowd. She saw Blake and I. "Uh oh. Two cars... Are you getting divorced? I want you to file for joint custody! And you can't do this. My birthday is this weekend."
"Annabelle, you jump to conclusions just like your mother," Blake stated.
"But no, we are not getting divorced," I smiled.
"Then why are there two cars?" Annabelle asked.
"Happy birthday," I smiled as I held up the keys.
"Seriously?" Annabelle asked. I handed her the keys as we gave a family hug. "You're giving me the SLS?!"
"Try the lamborghini aventador on for size," I smiled. "I had it imported just for your birthday present."

Blake's POV
"My baby girl is growing up on me so fast," I sighed.
"This is seriously the best birthday gift ever," Annabelle smiled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Alexis smiled. "Anything is worth it for you." Her phone rang. "It has to be work."
"Again?" I asked.
"Hey, we talked about this," Alexis replied looking at her phone. "Being a detective for SVU is better than being an agent because as an agent, I'll be away for days."
"But you'll always have a loving family to greet you when you get home," Annabelle smiled.
"I lied, it's not work," Alexis nodded. "It's Bailey. She's at the studio with Ellie and Jayk right now."
"Time to go," I sighed.
"Belle, whatever you do, be home by nine thirty," Alexis smiled. "Just don't do anything illegal because most likely one of my co-workers will be arresting you."
"Mom," Annabelle stopped Alexis from getting into the car. "Can I have one more teeny favor?"
"What is it?" I asked.
"Police escort in a limo for my party entrance," Annabelle asked.
"I'll talk to my squad and see what I can do," Alexis smiled and hugged Annabelle. "Remember nothing illegal." I showed her my badge. "This can get me out of a lot is things but it won't get you put off jail unless you're put on bail."
"Mom," Annabelle replied. "Don't worry. I won't."
"Alright," I nodded. "Alexis, we gotta go."
"Right," Alexis smiled. "Okay. Make sure you get to your five thirty hair appointment."
"I know Mom," Annabelle said.
"I'll see you tonight if I'm home," Alexis smiled. She got into the car and I drove us to the studio. We walked inside. "What's going on? Why is Ellie in the booth with no music on?"
"She's refusing to sing," Jayk sighed. "Unless you're here."
"Let me take care of it," I smiled. I pressed the microphone button. "Hey Ellie. Look at me." She did and smiled. She walked up to the microphone. "You ready, sweet pea?"
"Yes Daddy," Ellie smiled.
I turned off the mic and turned on the track. "That's how you do it," I smiled. Ellie was doing beautiful. "She is amazing."
"She's ready for the big stage," Alexis nodded. "She's so ready."
"She gets that from Blake," Bailey smiled. "She gets her looks from the both of you but beauty from Alexis."
"Please, your just saying that," Alexis smiled.
"She's actually telling the truth," I smiled. "Ellie does get it from you."
"Annabelle too," Bailey added.
"Yeah and you wanna know what kind of car they got her?" Jayk asked. "Go ahead and tell her."
"What did you guys get her?" Bailey asked.
"We got her a lamborghini aventador for her birthday," I smiled. "But it was worth it for Annabelle. She's a good kid."

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