Chapter 5 Runaway

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Marty walked holding his cane with Beverly keeping to his pace. Beverly looked up at the stars, wondering what to say. 

¨Why do you use that cane? I know you don't need it because you been carryin' it around when you were in your mid-thirties.¨

¨I met rich folks while drinking, told them I was a lawyer or doctor, I forget. But they were drunk or dumb enough to believe me and invited me to some ace-high shit eatin' hoedown. I thought if I was holding a cane, it would make me look like those uppity sons of bitches."

Beverly suddenly remembered that this was the night she met Marty. She stole a gown and carpet bag, both a royal blue color, worn out boots covered by the long material, and a matching hat to cover up her unclean hair. She sneaked into the ball, looking for anything useful she could take to survive. It was a successful night of thievery until Beverly was asked who she was. 

"You got a ma or pa around." A tall man with light blonde hair looked down at Beverly.

"Yes sir, my pa's talkin' with a business partner." Beverly lied.

"Point him out to me." He sneered.

Beverly darted her eyes around the party, looking around and randomly pointing at a group of men in tuxedos. The blonde man grunted and stumbled over towards the men. Beverly quickly turned, trying to lose herself in the crowd of people. Panic overcoming her vision she walked into an even taller man with salt and pepper hair and gray smiling eyes. He was holding a cane and a glass of champagne, 

"Woah there little lady, watch where your goin'." 

He moved his eyes to Beverly's open carpet bag. She quickly closed it. The gray eyed man already saw the stolen jewelry, wallets, and food stuffed in the bag. The blonde man was speeding over and shouting,

 "Stop the girl in the blue dress. She's a delinquent, she's a thief." 

The gray eyed man put his champagne on a nearby table and moved his eyes to Beverly's, "We better get out of here before that fool starts making a bigger commotion." He guided Beverly towards the door. 

They made it outside into the muggy night, walking fast away from the private property the party was being held. The man with the gray eyes and hair smiled, "Looks like you got a bag full."

"Yeah and it ain't yours." Beverly said back, not knowing why she was being so mean to someone who just helped her.

"I don't want it, I got my pockets too full to take anymore. And I ain't gonna steal from a young lady. Those uppity sons of bitches can give some though." He winked and showed Beverly the insides of his tuxedo pocket; Full of wallets, jewelry and packets of cigarettes.

"What's your name, miss?"

"Beverly Heaven."

"Fits you well. Sometimes I'm Beau Roberts, but my birth name is Marty Supur."

Before Marty could ask further questions the blonde man came hastily staggering towards them. "Where you think you're runnin' off to, girl? I've been talkin' to those men, none of them your pa. But they do talk of their wallets and wives jewelry goin' missin'." 

"Shut your goddamn mouth up, you drunk bastard. Turn around before I shoot you." Marty yelled.

"You ain't got a gun, you both are thieves. Greed is sin, and I'm here to do God's work. I'm turning you both in."

Marty took a small pistol out of another jacket pocket, annoyed with some rings and loose change falling to the ground, "How do you reckon you're gonna do that if you're dead? And callin' us greedy? You're the rich bastard chasing after a goddamn kid for stealin' shit you already got enough of."

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