Chapter 8 Ruby Red

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The gang got off their horses to see Raymon already pulling Gage off his saddle to the hard cold grass. Gage's face was white as a sheet and his lips chapped with blood running down his chin from his throat. Raymon searched for the bullet wound, he took off Gage's dark brown jacket to see the side of his white button up turned red just above his hip. Raymon ordered someone to get a supply bag off a horse. Maggie was the fastest to move to Sparky to bring a bag of supplies. Raymon poured the bag on the ground frantically trying to look for what he needed with only stars lighting the wet grass.

¨What do I do?¨ Raymon hopelessly asked, not anyone specific. 

Gage Smith was the only one in the group who understood medical issues and could fix injuries or illnesses. As he laid with blurry figures hovering around him he felt discouraged with himself. He knew he was the only one who would know what to do if someone got shot. Panic was no longer a feeling he had, he felt panic when he was first hit, now he feels commitment to death. The man that was holding his body on the ground was yelling, he couldn't hear but the voice sounded like it was begging for something. Gage closed his eyes, feeling tired, but the loud voice continued. He remembered it was Raymons voice.  

¨Is the bullet still in there?¨ Sara asked.

Raymon rolled the white shirt over the wound, getting his hands red from the fabric. Marty set a lantern next to Raymon to shine light on the area, it looked like the bullet skimmed past his side, taking out a chunk of flesh, but still too deep to be safe. Gage opened his eyes, reaching his hand out to a bottle of antiseptics and dousing it on his bloodied side. Hazel eyes looked around for a cloth or anything he could wrap the wound in.

¨Scissors, quick! The shirt.¨ Gage stammered while pulling his sleeved arm to Raymon. Raymon ripped from the stitching on Gage's sleeve. Gage grabbed the white fabric and balled it at his wound, then undid his belt and tied that around the red fabric and his waist. He noticed that his vision was no longer blurry and he could hear clearer.

¨I was sure he was gonna be dead. Now would you look at that!¨ Marty cheered.

Maggie leaned down to Gage and examined the covered wound. ¨He saved himself!¨ She looked at Gage's face; his long hair was sticking to his forehead and the pink part of his eyes were white. She almost hugged him but decided it wasn't a good idea. Leroy snapped his fingers in Gage's face. Gage moved his head back and looked up at Leroy with a confused expression. 

¨I'm shot, not concussed.¨

Raymon let out an exhale like a horse. His eyes sparkled knowing that Gage was alive and well enough to get snippy with Leroy. 

Beverly didn't know a lot about gun wounds or concussions but she figured snapping in a bleeding man's face isn't helpful.¨Mr. Otty, you had quite the night, you should go home and we can discuss matters later.¨

¨Are ya'll sure you ain't need my help? I ain't got work till 2 in the afternoon.¨

Raymon's hands squeezed shut and he opened his mouth but before any angry words could come out Beverly stopped him,

¨No! No. You already are doin' so much for us. Please just go home and have a good night.¨

¨Well, goodnight then, good luck with the boy.¨ Leroy said as he got on Charlie and rode off.

Raymon helped Gage stand and mount Ruby. ¨You alright to ride, partner? Camp ain't to far.¨

¨I'm fine, I can sort this out better with the supplies in my tent.¨ Gage waved his hand to the sleeve and belt holding his wound together. 

¨You're a crazy bastard, you almost died. We was standin' around like idiots and you started goin' to work on yourself. That's pretty damn impressive.¨ Raymon smiled and walked to his mustang, eyes still on Gage and the dry blood running down Ruby's chestnut fur.


The morning birds were chirping when they got back to camp. Gage braced himself before getting off Ruby, then walked slowly to his tent. Sara took the medical bag and followed Gage, both feeling the need to repack and add more important items, rather than a few small bandages and scissors. Beverly and Maggie gave a quick 'goodnight', then left to clean up and sleep.

¨That was very close.¨ Marty said, standing next to Raymon looking at the camp.

¨Yes it was, wish I knew what I could've done though.¨

¨I think you do know. It was just panic blinding you.¨

Raymon looked at Mary. ¨What do you mean?¨

¨When Juliet was still around, way before you or even Beverly. We were so poor, we were almost always homeless. Around Christmas time, I wanted to do something nice and get a hotel room for us. Just one or two nights, just something nice for us. I held up a stagecoach, and with my luck it was full of lawmen. I shot them and stole their money. There was enough to stay in a room for two nights and buy food or whatever we needed at the time. When I told Juliet she looked so happy and that made me feel proud that I got her to smile.¨ 

Marty paused, the lines on his face were down turned. ¨We got to the room and deputies came in, I figured they knew about the Stagecoach. We killed most of them, but one of the bastards killed her. Shot her in the neck, I didn't move, I stayed lookin' at her in shock. It didn't feel real enough for me to react. And I've seen people die but nothing pained me more than seeing her die in front of me.¨

¨I understand Marty, have a goodnight.¨ Raymon said while walking away.

The Supur gang woke up later than usual, starting their day around 2 o'clock. Sara and Marty were the first to rise. Playing the phonograph and cooking eggs.

¨Sara, you know how good a dancer I am?¨ Marty said while standing up

¨I ain't got a goddamn clue, Mr. Supur.¨ Sara smiled.

¨Well let me show you.¨ Marty took Sara's hands and waltzed around in the afternoon sun.

Beverly came in to see the two and moved past them to the small pot with coffee.

She was too groggy to be amused which made Sara and Marty laugh loudly. The moment Beverly got her coffee she left as Raymon, Maggie, and Gage came in. Gage looked feverish but more lively than he did hours ago.

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