Chapter 21 Flopping like a fish

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The raccoon just about fed the group just enough so they wouldn't starve, and luckily James found a stream a mile away to fill up the canteens. He tried to fish but caught nothing. Maggie wanted to keep watch for the night, she wouldn't admit it but seeing that bear mull Raymon made her paranoid for what other creatures live out here. Gage stayed awake with her so no one else would argue about Maggie being alone or who should stay up with her.

"You don't have to keep watch with me, I can handle it." Maggie said proudly.

"I know you can, but I'm not tired enough to go to sleep." Gage said

Maggie only hummed as a response. "What you did with Raymon today, that was really impressive." Maggie finally said after a pause.

"Thank you, Maggie. I can teach you, if you like?"

"I ain't smart like you, it would be like teaching a brick to swim." Maggie laughed.

"Of course you're smart! You always readin' them books, you know how to cook, hunt, sew, I can go on. And I ain't tryin' to teach you the whole medical school curriculum, just how to wrap a wound, and if you wanted to know the whole curriculum you could learn it."

"Why would I wanna learn somethin' about a job I can't have."

"...Fair point, Maggie. But you could always save someone or yourself." Gage shrugged.

"Alright Gage, let's pretend you stepped on a bear trap, you got out, but now what are you gonna do with your bloody ankle?"

Gage did his best to explain what he would do in a situation like that, he was happy that someone wanted to listen to what he had lots of knowledge on. Maggie admired his teachings and loved how proud he looked while explaining. Gage grabbed the medical bag and showed her all of his supplies and how to use it. Soon enough, Sara and James came out of their tent to tell Gage and Maggie that their time was up and they will keep watch for the rest of the night.

"What are you thinkin' about?" Sara asked James once Gage and Maggie were gone.

"It's just that, when we get to California..." James trailed off.


"What if it's not what you want? I might still have to figure out my whole step mother salutation, and how are we gonna find your family? How do we know they are still there?" James asked as he rubbed his thick mustache.

"Stop your overthinkin', it will all work out, I'm happy wherever I am with you. Don't you worry about me, we just gotta handle things one at a time. It will be alright. Sara smiled.

"Is that how you truly feel, Sara?"

"Yes! You think I'm lyin'?"

"No, I just want you to be happy."

"I am, are you happy?"

James gave no answer, he looked away from Sara and to the early sun rising. How could he be happy at this moment? Sara made him happy, very happy, the happiness he hasn't felt since a child, before his mother left, before he realized that his father was abusive. Would he and Sara turn into that? That can't be the meaning of marriage? It can't be for only money and land like his step mother.

Sara asked again, her dark eyes shining in the new sun, "Are you happy?"

James held her close and kissed her, "Yes! With you I am! Sara, I haven't felt this happy since... I don't know when. You make me so happy, please, never leave. I wouldn't be able to make it without you."

"I ain't goin' nowhere." Sara smiled while hugging James.

The engaged couple stayed there in silence for a while, feeling tired and slowly moved to lay on the ground together, they fell asleep using James' big white hat to block out the sun. They were awoken by Beverly stepping outside her tent and clearing her throat with a loud cough. She stared down at them with no emotion,

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