mm.. I smell... denial

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Chapter 2

Tommy kept to himself most of the time. If he didn't, he was pretty sure his father would have something to say about it.

Most conversations with his father had been short and to the point (considering that Phil was a very busy man), and Tommy didn't honestly care much for talking to him. Although he would call Phil his father, he wasn't the most present in his life. As Will's psychology books phrased it, Tommy's father was.. "An Absent Father" which Tommy could infer wasn't a good thing to be.

But.. he worked right?

That's what people do. What normal people do, anyways.

Besides Techno and Wilbur, he didn't really have much exposure to the human world, although he had been assured his whole life that he really wasn't missing anything.

That's what Wilbur said, anyway.

Before- well.. Willow.

For almost as long as Tommy had been alive, Wilbur had been Willow.

After asking an annoying amount of times, Techno had finally given Tommy an answer.

"Look Tommy, you have to call him that because dad said so. Bad things would happen if we didn't. We're not allowed to have 2 boys. I couldn't pass as one, so.. Wilbur had to do it."

"Why?" Tommy had said.

"It's just not allowed."

Tommy had been at the very least... puzzled after that interaction, and he made sure that he wouldn't ask again.

If he did, he was almost positive that he would get answers to questions he didn't want to understand, so yes, he tried his best to keep whatever questions he had.. to himself.

Tubbo had also had a history of keeping to himself.

For different reasons, of course, but still.

Anyone that had ever known Tubbo, would say the same. He was a good kid, tried his best to get good grades, and made it his personal mission to prove to himself (and his dad. Mostly his dad-) that he was good enough.

After all, who would he be if not his father's son?

Of course, Tubbo would argue that he wasn't exactly a bad dad, he just had a big shoe to fill.

Ultimately, being the son of a successful businessman would have its quirks... right?


Tubbo sits on his couch, pulling his feet up to the coffee table between the TV and the sofa, although knowing well his father would be less than pleased if he found out.

"Hey- I'm home!" Tubbo hears his father slur from the kitchen.


"Hey dad-"

"Let's talk later. Get me a drink, will ya?" Schlatt says, continuing past Tubbo and onto the sofa.

Tubbo walks over to the fridge and grabs a beer from the bottom shelf.

"Here," he says, handing it to Schlatt hastily.

"Did you put your goddamn feet on the coffee table again? I thought I told you to stop that shit- you know what? I don't care. Do whatever the fuck you want," Schlatt says, turning the TV on.

"Sorry," Tubbo says, walking to his room.

"Whatever," he hears his father say in a mumbling voice.

Walking into his room, Tubbo is upset.

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