'Cause I must make you the perfect evening

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Chapter 12

As Tommy's eyelids open, he hears the sounds of birds chirping outside. The dark room does nothing to conceal the sounds from outside, but since there's nothing more than a door in Tommy's room, there's not much light..

Using only the light coming from the slit on the bottom of Tommy's door, he finds his way to it and opens it hesitantly.

" Today ," Tommy thinks, " I can be a normal person. "

Tommy's mouth cracks a slight smile as he walks in the kitchen. There's noise coming from upstairs.



Tommy crouches low at the stairs, trying to hear what they're saying.

"I was worried! Am I not allowed to be worried for my fucking brother?" Yells a voice that Tommy recognizes as Will's.

"What's gotten into you, Will? Have you stopped taking the pills?"

The house goes silent.

"I don't know what's wrong with me," Will starts to sob, his voice cracking and lowering to a whisper. "Everything with Tommy- it just made me think of her. I just can't stop thinking about her ."

Tommy's mouth shuts tightly.

When Wilbur starts sobbing again, Tommy trudge's away, not being able to deal with hearing his brother like this any longer.

As he walks back down to his room, carefully leaving the door open so he'll have some light, he suddenly remembers what he gets to do today. He gets answers today. The mere mention of it makes Tommy's heart swirl.

Tommy decides to take a backpack with him that his father had given to him years ago.

"You might need it someday," Phil had said.

Today, Tommy would use it.

Wisely, Tommy decides to pack his trusty scissors if things get dicey. He also packs chapstick, pencils, and some paper. He doesn't exactly know what the paper is for, but he has a strange feeling that he might need it. Maybe.

As he carries the backpack and walks into the kitchen, Tommy hears a crash from upstairs. Suddenly, the feeling of just existing inside this house is too much, and Tommy runs towards the door, opening it to feel the breeze on his face.

Without bothering to eat breakfast (which Techno would definitely disapprove of), Tommy runs out the door without a second thought.

The overgrown grass in their yard greets him, and he stoops down to feel it as he walks. The breeze is as comforting as it is chaotic, seeming to wreak havoc through the trees and plants alike.

Tommy spots a bike standing close to the street, and grabs it hesitantly. As far as Tommy knows, bikes are dangerous, and Tommy definitely doesn't know how to ride them.

He swings his leg over the bike, imitating the people he had seen on the street from his window so many years ago.

He rows the petals and suddenly, he's riding.

It's not easy, and he can't seem to steer right, but he's going.

He remembers the hologram yesterday, telling him about a greenhouse at the edge of Manburg.

" That can't be too hard to find, right? Just keep riding until you see it ," Tommy convinces himself.

As he pedals through the town, the sun shines brightly. At this point in time, it feels as if he's riding on pure wind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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