My body is a sacred note (sung between the flesh and hope)

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Chapter 7

Dream stared at the wall. Calloused.

His father has assured him that this meeting wouldn't take long, but of course, that was a lie.

"A business meeting" his father had called it.

Dream's eyes focused on the ground.

He thought about going back to school on Monday. Seeing his friends acquaintances.

It was a new school year, with new students. New faces. Dream supposed that it would be a nice change. Summertime was lonely.

Suddenly, the door behind him opened. A man in a dark suit whom his father had called "Schlatt", walked out the door, not stopping to give so much as a glance at Dream. His father walked out afterwards, his steps precise and heavy.

"Let's go, Dream," his father said.

Dream slumped out of the chair he had been sitting on in the so-called "waiting room". He hadn't been allowed to go inside (for obvious reasons, seeing as though it was a "Private Meeting'', so he had stayed outside of Schatt's office, away from the action.

As they walked out of the building, Dream's father was cold.

Dream's palms sweat, but he wipes his hands on his jeans and continues to the car.

As Dream slides in, his father begins to speak.

"Dream," He starts. "Have you taken your pills today?"

"Yes," Dream answers quickly, not making any effort to carry the conversation.

"Dream," He says again. "You're going back to school on Monday, yes?"

Dream nods, preparing for his father's "It's good to be emotionless. No no, it actually is!" Speech that he always gave, most often when Dream was doing something new, or something he hadn't experienced before.

"Dream. You need to be careful. You know that if you ever want to succeed in this world, emotion cannot stop you. This is a new year, with new temptations. You may be pressured to have friends. But friends, Dream, are not going to get you success. If anything, they're going to pull you down with them. Do you understand?"

"Yes, father."

"You must stay away from people that want to be friends. They aren't going to look out for you. Not like I am. Friends," He inhales. "Friends take your time, and your money. Two things that you need to succeed. They might pressure you to stop taking the pills. They're rebels. But remember, they do not care about you. Stay. Away. From. Them. Do you understand Dream?" His father said, his eyes still focused on the road, and his question sounding more like a statement.

"Yes father."


The School's hallways are loud.

Despite the signs in the hallways warning the punishment of talking in the hallways, nevermind yelling, no one seems to listen.

As Dream walks to his next class (Maths), he reminds himself of his father's words.

"Remember, friends do not care about you," Dream whispered to himself, like a secret mantra that only he knew.

As he entered Maths, he looked around at the different desks, all with different names on them. He looked for his.

Finally after circling around the room, a name tag reading "Clay" that sat innocently on the desk next to the window caught Dream's eye.

"At least the view is nice," Dream thought.

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