So close to dying that I finally can start living

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Chapter 11

The morning of Promotion

The lights in the auditorium blind Tommy's eyes. It blinds him so much that he can't help but close his eyes for a few seconds before he opens them to see the shining overhead lights.

The auditorium is ginormous .

Bigger than anything Tommy's ever seen, anyways. As he sneaks around, following Tubbo's directions of the building, he can't help but notice the alarming amount of people walking around. It almost feels as if he's a sardine, swimming through the vast seas of fish around him. It's overwhelming.

Tommy can't think of a single situation in which he's been around this many people at once. Hell, Tommy hasn't even been around 10!

When he reaches a door in the hallway titled "File's and Information", the relief Tommy feels is immeasurable. As he pushes the door open (rather easily), his mind takes him back to the morning before.

Tubbo had told him the name of the office he was to go into, and lots of directions.

"Once you get in, take three rights, and two lefts. Now you would be in the fourth hallway. Walk down a bit and find the door that says "Files and Information". Once you're there, you grab as many files as you can and then you get out. Yeah?" Tubbo had said, his voice serious as he explained the plan that Tommy had nearly memorised.

As he walks in, more memories from the morning before come to mind. The sink and the smelly soap that sat beside it, the cracks in the ceiling, the water dripping from the faucet. When Tommy was nervous, everything felt like a sign to stop the plan. Although Tommy could say that he wasn't very superstitious, he knew that bad things came in three's. Will had taught him that.

Imperfection on the morning of a big day was as much of a sign as anything else, Tommy knew. It was surely stupid to think something would go wrong just because the soap smelled putrid, right?

Surely not.

The drawers of files take him out of his head and back to the present. He knows there's only a few minutes until someone comes by. He has to be fast.

Tommy takes the files into his hand, as many as he can hold, and stuffs them in his coat, unseeable from the outside. He takes the unlocked files, although Tommy knows that the locked ones probably contain the most incriminating evidence. He knows however, that it would take far too much time to crack a lock, so Tommy goes for the easiest first.

Suddenly he feels a boom in the ground, and an echo of sound throughout the auditorium.

The promotion is beginning.

As Tommy stuffs the last two files (which were somewhat heavier than the others) into his coat, he hears a sound. Clapping.

He pauses for a moment, trying to regroup himself on the procedure that Tubbo had briefed him about. Once the promotion began, he was to run back to Tubbo's house without being spotted through the many cameras placed around the building.

As Tommy opens up the door to sprint back to the house, a change in the atmosphere beckons Tommy forward, towards the wrong direction. A voice, loud throughout the building, most likely through the overhead speakers, draws him into the main auditorium. The worst part, Tommy was curious. He wanted to know what was happening at "Promotion". Sure he could've asked Tubbo when he got out, but at the moment, Tommy just wanted to see.

Just a mere peek for the blind. So (stupidly or not, you decide), Tommy stalks towards the sound, not noticing how close he is to the main auditorium.

The voice got closer and closer, louder and louder as he walked.

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