Were picked in advance, by some careful hand with an absolute concept of Beauty

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Chapter 9

The past few days had been easy. Too easy. Like, suspiciously easy. Enough to wonder when the second shoe was going to drop. In a way, it was as stressful as it was a few days ago, when Tubbo was going into a government sanctioned building to spy on Dream, and Tommy was running away from the government. But somehow even now where he knew he was safe, Ranboo was afraid.

Although it wasn't a very unusual feeling to Ranboo (because dear god was Ranboo constantly anxious), it was still emotionally draining to deal with the anxiety of it all, constantly waiting for something to happen. Over the last few nights, they had played board games (CandyLand, which Tubbo had chosen), and played more hide and seek rounds than Ranboo had in his entire lifetime (Tommy's choice), yet Ranboo still felt the presence of danger lingering and waiting for them.

Whether it be worrying about Tubbo's father coming home early, or the government knocking on their door, Ranboo felt miserable, as much as he tried to hide it. He knew that Tubbo was catching on to his worries, but he didn't want to burden Tubbo with them. Either way, he felt afraid, there was no going around it or ignoring it.

Of course, there was nothing to prove that he was somehow in peril, but Ranboo had a Strong gut feeling. And in Ranboo's experience, these feelings had always been correct.

It was 8 in the morning and Ranboo sat awake in his bed, trying to recall the nightmare he had encountered the night before, it was just out of reach from his memory. It was the same every night, although Ranboo could never remember the premise of the dream.

His throat was rather scratchy and sore, and his eyes felt crusty and almost lifeless.

There's nothing for Ranboo to do but lay awake, staring up at the ceiling, and hoping for the mercy of sleep to tear him away from this nausea inducing reality. Despite Ranboo's best efforts, the uneasiness continues to shred his stomach like paper.

He wished it was easy. That it was easy to be in a new place where he has no idea how he got there. He wishes it was easier to make friends. Like Tubbo. Even one like Tommy.

Were they even his friends?.

Ranboo questioned himself.

Ranboo tried not to ponder the question.

He knows that if he lets it, his mind will spiral forever further into his insecurities and distrust. So he chooses to sit up, and as he does, his back cracks loudly, causing him to inhale sharply in pain and surprise.

He stretches his neck and his arms, yawning loudly as he slides out of his bed, the sheets of the bed tangled over themselves messily from his attempt of escaping them during the night terrors he experienced.

He laughs to himself, letting out a small humorless chuckle. He still can't wrap his head around the fact that this is actually happening, and that he's not in the orphanage anymore. He's sleeping in someone's house . He's on the run from the government. He might even be a criminal for prime's sake! How the hell was he supposed to accept this like it's nothing? His life had changed exponentially, and he was just supposed to take it and not ask any questions? He didn't even know where he was! Questions like these made Ranboo wonder if Prime was really looking out for him like everyone else. Like everyone else said that Prime did. It made him question if Prime even existed at all.

As he stepped inside the bathroom, a fresh pair of clothes in his hand (courtesy of Tubbo, although they were a bit small for him), his arms relaxed. He tried to be in the moment, where nothing bad was happening, and it never would.

The water that Ranboo turns on is colder than usual, so it takes a while to adjust the thermostat to the warmth he desires.

After the temperature feels right, he steps inside, his shoulders immediately relaxing. It felt.. nice. A relief from the pain in his shoulders (that no doubt comes with being tall), and the uneasiness in his gut.

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