Only One Day

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Sarah was hell-bent on speaking to Jake. But her friends had no clue why.

"He is some straight white boy, who may be racist. Why on Earth do you wanna speak to him?" Kali said, rolling her eyes. She was Sarah's most straight-up friend and the best bisexual girl on the planet in Sarah's eyes. Sarah kinda looked up to her, she loved her style and her attitude and she always wanted to be so open about her sexuality. She helped Sarah with coming out as bi.

"He's cute, and I feel like he'd be nice." Sarah shrugged, while Zoey, Kali and Mia shook their heads.

"We will help you figure out how to speak with him but if he breaks your heart, we can't promise we won't break his face," Mia said while writing out essay notes in this conversation.

"We don't need a plan, Sarah. We have to just get you an opportunity to be alone with him since you don't have the balls to go up to him." Sarah stuck up a middle finger at Zoey, even though she was right. Sarah was the biggest introverted extrovert you'd meet.

She was the chattiest, most outgoing person, once you got to know her. But before you get to that point, it's awkward central. Partly it isn't her fault, she's been raised to keep her mouth shut, and not have an opinion, so it's hard to try and get to know people when all that goes through her head is 'What if I say something wrong?' 'what if they don't like me? 'what if they tell my parents what I've been saying?'

She lived in panic mode.

"Seriously guys, I don't think we need to plan, I can do this." she didn't really think she could do this. If she did speak to him out of school, she would be scared her dad would spot them and that would be the end of her leaving the house for anything. If she texted him what if her mum saw his name on her phone and got rid of it? She was already overthinking the scenario and she hadn't even spoken to him yet.

"You can do this?" Kali smirked, eyeing the door behind her. "Sarah, there's lover boy behind you and it looks like he's walking out of school for lunch, go after him and have a chat"

Sarah's heart went into overload. She couldn't back down, it was time to be a woman and talk to her man. Even though she knew this couldn't go anywhere.

"Fine." she lifted an eyebrow and sped and walked up to Jake. He looked a little shocked as she walked beside him. "Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm in your maths class, and you're Jake right?"

"Right." he narrowed his eyebrows and smiled. "Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too. This is a little awkward for me to ask but do you know if we have homework?" Sarah in fact knew they had homework. Mr Smith would not give them homework. He was a class A douchebag. 

"I don't think so." Jake furrowed his eyebrows, looking as if he was trying to figure it out.

"I personally think you're wrong Jake."

"I personally think I'm right." he narrowed his eyes at Sarah, smiling as he saw her eyes gleam. He thought to himself, how is this popular, beautiful girl chatting to me as she knew me? All he knew was that he liked it.

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