Not Blood

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Sarah got to her lesson and sat there with so much worry. The class, that she should've paid attention to, was the last thing on her mind. 

She just kept overthinking if telling him was the wrong thing to do. She had made up this whole story for her and Jake, and the realisation hit her, mid trying to finish the equation on her page. The story she had made for herself and Jake had taken a significant detour.

For context, Sarah always made a story for whoever she liked. It never happened, but the idea of it was nice to go to sleep with, especially when she didn't have many dreams. And for once, the story she had made in her head, was actually on track.

Well, it was, until he noticed the prevalent bruise on her face. Now her whole story was off-topic, and now all she could feel was panic. On what he would do with this information. She was worried that he wouldn't speak to her again. But realistically, if he didn't, who could blame him?

They'd only known each other a few months, and he could have any girl(if he had the social skills that is), so why allow himself to get involved with this whole, to put it plainly, shit show. Logistically, it made no sense, Sarah just had to make peace with it.

She sometimes would think of one of her favourite tv shows, the vampire diaries, and picture herself as a vampire. In the show when a situation would get emotionally charged, the characters could 'turn it all off'. Feel absolutely nothing, from feeling everything at once. And that was exactly what Sarah intended to do. She had done it at many moments as it was the easiest option to escape her pain.

Her thoughts had consumed her so much that the lesson was over before she paid any attention, and as the bell rang, she ran. She didn't know where she was gonna run to, all she knew was she had to get through the rest of the day without Jake seeing her. Which, in all honesty, would be very simple as the only lesson the two shared was Maths.

She had texted all her friends to meet her at the blue benches since she needed to buy lunch. This gave her at least half an hour to gather her thoughts, maybe have a cry and figure out what to do next.

Her main idea was to tell her friends and see their opinion, but she already knew what they'd say. They would tell her to give him a chance and go speak to him, the fact she showed concern was a good thing, but she didn't want to take the chance. For her, it was easier to accept it was over before it began than speaking to him and getting him to say the words t her face.

That would hurt way more than anything she could imagine. 

She grabbed her lunch and blasted her music as she slowly made her way down the hill, and if her day couldn't get any worse, she bumped into someone she had been avoiding like clockwork.

Her ex.

"Sorry..oh hey Sarah. Haven't seen you in a while, feels like you've been avoiding me?" He said, making her roll her eyes. When they were together, he made Sarah feel slightly better about her life, but not like how Jakes made her feel the past few months. He was, as Sarah would say, the definition of toxic, and very much up his ass.

"Well I feel I have a good enough reason to avoid you, don't you think?" She snarkily responded, continuing to walk down the hill. He continued with her, making her sadness from earlier turn into pure rage.

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