R (ㄹ) bonus Y/I (ㅇ)

52 1 0

very rare

Ra --
Ran --
Rang --

Rhee/Ree/Ri/Li/Lee -리-
Rim/Lim --
Lee/Yi -이-
Lim/Yim -임-
In/Ihn --

Ro/Roh --
Roe --

Ryeo --
Ryu -류-


With all names listed here, Ra, Ran, Rang, Roh and Roe, it's similar as what I said on the N chapter. The ㄹ and ㄴ characters can be romanized interchangeably depending on the use I guess? I'm not sure why, as again, I don't know much about the Korean language. So if you know or if I've said anything wrong, let me know :)

In the same way, Ryu and Ryeo, are related to Yoo and Yeo. In that the characters tend to be used similarly for names, though they are different. That is seen by how Ryujin of Itzy and Yujin of Kep1er are pronounced differently. I think the two characters might just be closely related to each other, but they are different. I'm not entirely sure.

Also, fun fact, the name Lee, also romanized like Li or Yi, is also written as Rhee, Ri, or Ree. The characters do look different, 이/리. In North Korea, the name Lee is more commonly written as Rhee instead. Rhee is used in South Korea, but it's a much more common surname in North Korea.

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