Spirit Problems

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It was a peaceful, calm evening on Air Temple island and the trees lightly brushed against each other in the calm wind. Jinora was sitting on her favorite meditating spot, waiting for her spirit friends to come join her, but no spirit came. 

"that's strange", Jinora said to herself. 

"what's strange?" a voice behind her asked. She heard a light whooshing and Kai was sitting next to her. 

"Kai, you scared me!" Jinora exclaimed. 

"Well, what's strange?" Said Kai. 

"Hm?" Jinora said, confused. 

"I heard you saying something was strange when you meditated" said Kai. 

"Oh," said jinora, "My spirit friends weren't coming. They usually come when I meditate." 

"I think you should see your dad, he probably knows what's happening" kai suggested.

The two friends went to Tenzin's office in the main building of air temple island, but he wasn't there.

"He still must be in his council meeting in Republic city" Said Jinora

"We'll come back later" Said Kai

They had dinner in the dining room, waiting for Tenzin to come. They waited for a long time, and Pema was getting worried. Korra noticed the look on Pema's face, and she was concerned.

"Are you okay?" asked Korra to Pema.

"Tenzin isn't back yet and it's already 10:00! He left for his council meeting at 3 pm and it's already been 7 hours!" Pema said, with a worried look on her face.

"I'll check the main hall of republic city. Jinora, Kai, come with me. Don't worry, Pema. We'll get Tenzin back."

Jinora, Kai, and Korra grabbed their gliders and went to the republic city main hall, but it was completely deserted. They went to the meeting room when Jinora found something.

"What's this?" Jinora said. She found black metallic liquid splattered all across the floor.

"It looks strangely familiar..." Korra said, "WAIT! this is the poison that Zaheer put into my body!"

"No," Said Jinora, "This was dad's lunch, blackberry, beetroot, and potato smoothie."

"Yuck!" Korra said, with a face of disgust. "Who would eat that!"

"My father, apparently." Said Jinora.

"What's this?" Kai said.

"It's a note!" Korra said. "It says: tree of time, midnight. You'll get the council people."

"The tree of time is in the spirit world!" Said Jinora.

"Luckily for us, we have a portal right here in republic city." Kai said

"I'll radio Pema and tell her we'll come late" Said Korra, as she reached over to the radio. "Shoot! It's jammed!"

"The council people must have put up quite a fight. They are master benders." Said Kai.

"Well, we don't have much time until midnight so let's get going!" Korra said with a bright look in her eyes.

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