A new Trainer

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Jinora and Kai were now more comfortable with being next to each other. Sleeping in the same bed was fine with them.

Of course, They had to forget to radio their family about staying in the spirit world.

As Jinora and Kai were sleeping, two dark figures were creeping up on them. Jinora got up in an instant.

"What happened?" Said Kai, as he rubbed his eyes.

"Someone's here, and it's not Iroh or Korra." She whispered to him. They both got up and tiptoed over to the door. "Stay behind me." said Jinora, as they went closer to the door.

"JINORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Screamed the small black figure. Jinora and Kai screamed like little girls and then another voice came.

"Meelo, you can't scare people like that! It's not kind!"

"Sorry, Ikki. But I had to since Jinora went missing! She would have heard me if she was here!"

"Ikki? Meelo?" Jinora and Kai said in unison.

"Yas it's us! And mommy and Rohan came, too."

"WHAT!? All of you came to find Kai, Korra, and I?

"Well, y'all didn't come home, and it's been a whole day." Meelo said with a smirk.

"And uncle Iroh told us to find you here." Ikki said.

"Jinora? Kai? Are you guys here? Pema said.

"Yes mom, we're here."

"Oh, we were so worried! We checked the city hall but it was a huge mess! We figured we should check in the police station, but they said that they only saw you guys enter the spirit world, so we came too. We found this cottage and saw your gliders inside and Iroh told us you'd be here, and Ikki and Meelo went crazy and ran ahead to find you guys."

"Jinora!!" Rohan said as he ran over to her. Now, Rohan was 6 years old, and he could airbend now.

"Hi, Rohan! Did you behave with mommy?"

Pema started rambling on and on about Rohan. "He was nothing more than a pain in the back! He stole the officer's platinum handcuffs and hid it under his shirt! Of course Lin knew that he did that, so she took it back. And then, he refused to enter the spirit world! And then-"

"Mom- I get it. Now, the biggest problem is the Dead Lotus." Jinora explained to her mom about the Dead Lotus and how they were planning to take over both the spirit and material worlds.

"I'll just kick their butts with a little bit of fartbending!" Meelo said with a determined face.

"Meelo, the Dead Lotus aren't just a bunch of lowly earth kingdom bandits! They are deadly spirit assassins and once they take over you, you'll never be the same! They'll make you kill everyone you love and once they exit your body, well- you know what happens." Kai said.

"No, I don't know what happens." Meelo said with a confused face.

"You turn into a half-spirit, and you will start to look like the spirit that took over you. Trust me, you don't want that to happen, so rethink your fartbending thoughts and try to think of something more-.... useful." Jinora said.

"OOH! OOH! We can kick their butts with airbending!" Ikki said.

"Again, Ikki, the Dead Lotus is too deadly to be stopped by Airbending."

"Well, I can train you guys." Said a voice behind them.

Iroh's eyes widened.

Behind them was the spirit of Sokka from the Southern Water tribe.

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